Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Who: You are invited!
What: A jam to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the California parkour community.
Where: Northern California, in the Greater Bay Area, specific locations TBD (suggestions welcome)
Why: If you can't answer this for yourself...
When: March 20 & 21, 2010 Let's kick spring off right!

How: This will work best with your help! We'll need help coordinating places to stay, rides for people during the jam, info sharing on carpooling from other parts of the state or country, cheap airfare, etc., etc. This is not just an opportunity to train and have fun, but a chance to deepen the connections with traceurs from other areas, as well as develop leadership skills within the community.

After Shane Daniels set up a big California Jam in October, several of us from all the communities involved in that thought it was too awesome to not happen again. Hopefully 2010 will be a great year for California, with a Spring and Fall jam [i]and[/i] another Massive West Coast Jam.

We'll try to set up an efficient means of communication for all those willing and able to step up and help lead on this (I need help on that), but for now you can email me directly at (or respond to this thread) to let me know you're interested in helping.

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Yay, this'll be fun for sure. There were a ton of people at the LA jam and from what I heard that was pretty last minute in terms of organization.

SFPK's got a discussion going on as well.
Here's what I've seen so far about this event:

Day 1 Saturday March 20: San Francisco

* 12 Noon - Battery Godfrey aka "The Bunkers"
* 3 PM - Fort Miley
* 6 PM - BBQ at CrossFit Marin Gym + Jam, graciously hosted by AeroSFCity, Amadreus and Russ.

Day 2 Sunday March 21: Berkeley

* 12 Noon - MLK Jr. High
* 3 PM - UC Berkeley
* 6 PM - Bring-Your-Own-Dinner to People's Park.

Laney College (Oakland) if we get booted from UCB.
Event now up on the calendar!

FYI: for absolute beginners and people unwilling to go to the East Bay, Sunday 21 at Noon, we will have a small, beginner-specific training in town; location to be announced, probably GWHS.


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