Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Inspiration from anything for everyone!!! (warning: videos...)

Every now and then, I find myself a little "short on my dough" and going to the Y-M-C-A doesn't help... (Village People, 1978)
That's when I turn to YouTube for something REALLY inspirational, and usually not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable...

I will post a couple of my favorites, asking you to do the same, if you wish (embed or link), but trying to avoid obvious repetitions, uninspired commercials and predictable vids.
Also, writing a line, a title, or the reason why you deem it inspirational is nice, as well as keeping comments brief and as direct replies to each individual post...
[This will also keep our video section free from non-pk clips...]

I'll start out...

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True... and a lot is thanks to the equipment; I bet they barely feel it on the handlebar, and -amazingly- the shocks are such that they can still comfortably brake.

But I remember very well going down that kind of territory for many years, some time ago (make it 10 years, lol!) and it would have taken me probably 15+ minutes to go down that stairs, provided I would have had the ramps (to go over a church roof!) and I would have felt comfortable enough from a safety point of view.

Those places are extremely tight, steep, slippery and unforgiving: falling is not a option, thus you NEED to stay within the comfort zone (as a recreational biker), or to push it TO the limit of comfort (for a racer), because ground, inertia, gravity and random stone/concrete edges are just way too punishing.

My original area:



Somebody has to explain me the purpose of the helmet...
So if you crash and paralyze yourself at least you'll be able to remember what it was like to fly.
Similarly, the human body, doing amazing feats.

We in the pk community tend to celebrate our differences, but often it's the things that we share that are the most inspiring.

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power ... from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

Precious... thank you!
I found this most delightful too:

...except, as a comment said, the bird dances to the beat, while nobody else does... lol!
National Geographic Channel's "Fight Science" analyzed Daniel Ilabaca movements and kinesiology with their custom built equipment:

(sorry for the ad)
"In conclusion, Science says Danny Ilabaca is amazing."

Thanks, Science. I could not see that for myself.
Daniel Ilabaca is amazing, but I really dislike the way these National Geographic pieces throw around numbers without any reference point and then get ridiculous soundbites from the scientists which are all gee-whiz and no insight.

And since when is proprioception a hidden secret or something uncanny? It's a sense, like hearing or seeing- some people are able to process the information and use it in coordinating movements better than others, but it's not like something that gifted athletes are born with but other people just don't have or can't develop.

I feel like these pieces do more to make people believe they aren't capable of doing things than to help them understand how the movements work or to motivate them to get out and develop what they can do.

OTOH, I do find it interesting that the animal trainer mentions that the human body is not designed for this kind of movement. Despite what some tracers may hope, moving like a monkey is not "how we're supposed to move.

"Free runner, Ryan (Doyle), leaps from a nine-foot platform and lands with featherlight ease."
Make it 15+ feet...

Facit: rolling when dropping works (pssss! even without a front flip in between... lol!)
bloody brilliant.

i wonder if the flip helps slow something down/lessen impact forces
ah finally a good reason to do a trick


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