Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Lethal and I were talking about getting these guerilla clinics going where we show up at a park playground whatever and teach people whats up. I missed Sloat the other night and kaos made me feel guilty for not training, so i went to the balboa bart station. Alot of stuff to vault and walls to run, alot of pedestrian traffic 10 feet away too. Then it clicked.

There is usually a good set up, lots of people and transportation. Why dont we all just cruise the muni one day getting off at different spots hitting up the station, hand out a few cards/flyers, move on to the next spot. Its like a running jam for all us lazies/"explosive anaerobic-only athletes.

Figure start around 12 catch the muni or bart south and work our way up to the embarcadero through the day.

any ideas?

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How did I make you feel guilty?? I didn't mean too!

Anywho, this is a cool idea. There is a concern though. MUNI & BART stations all have city employees, who often don't take any crap. I think there is a good chance we will get kicked out of every station. I am willing to give it a shot though. But I would only feel comfortable giving fliers to people who approached us first.

I'll bring the 3x5's I printed today.
and what about past the embarcadero, or on another day as an extention/continuation of this? take bart across the bay? not sure about the oakland stations, but i used to live in berzerkeley, (i wasn't doing parkour then), but i think i remember there being stuff to jump on. what about the ashby/downtown/north berkeley stations? 12st/city center in oakland might ok? again, i haven't visited these spots lately, but just a suggestion. i'd be up to this if done on the right saturday (not implying there is a certain saturday i prefer). and i'm always partial to staying in the city too, so stopping at embarcadero is good for me :)
yeah, i just used to live in oakland and its ghetto as all hell. maybe over by lake merritt? berkeley seems cool but the stations and very near areas dont seem as cool. probably best left for a UCB jam haha.

civic center stop- a big blocked fountain, civic center, couple of huge kong to cats over escalator (maybe...?)

powell stop- union square, powell,5th, and stockton scaffoldings (all different width and sizes), the muni station/cable car turn-around.

montgomery stop- couple of good business spots, memorial statues, bike people hangouts on stair spots.

Embarcadero- ferry building square ???, all the way down to the wharf and back through north beach/little italy/chinatown?

this could easily be an all day thing at these few muni stops given 10-15 min at each mini spot. would look sick as a little BAParkour film adventure (sorta Exploratory Committee's way cooler/quicker/lazier- cousin kind of deal)

Also i think we should try to stick to the muni for this first one. takes us from embarcadero to places like sloat and state and ends at balboa bart station still pretty cool. All for a $1.50 all day too (usually). BART is a greedy whore.

maybe start at embarcadero or fishermans wharf and work down to the MUNI and travel the stops to sloat to state and end at balboa BART/MUNI Station so everyone can have a way back home. figure like Noon to 7-8pm as an easy possibility. (especially if we end up at Sloat)
You want to do this Sat the 24th?
i'm out for the last 2 weekends in May :'( so if you go, have fun!
^ anyone want to do this 4th of july weekend? on the 4th even? i'm not sure if i can yet (on the 4th) but i figured i'd ask if there's interest before i put you guys in front of family hehe.
...that could be fun!
Considering how good that little station we hit at the San Jose jam was... (the best monthly, IMHO, run by SJPK... anybody remembers?...)

Anyway, look out for special updates like:
- BART special July 4 update (2007... the new one should be issued 6/27)
- MUNI notices for July 4th neighborhood block parties
way to keep an eye out, G! guess we've learned our lesson ;)
saturday might work out better for people since there are a lot of parties or whatever going on for the holiday...
No more ethnic, or whatever, celebrations stopping or detouring us from our pk duty!

That would also allow for our, (ehmm...) "more traditional", Sunday session to take place... you know? For the less adventurous...


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