RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
First Year
How did you find us?
"I saw people jumping off crazy s#@t!", PKCali link
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
Not yet, but next year i can, with myself included i can drive 5 people.
About Me:
Hey guys, my names John Ly and I'm about to be a college freshman at CSU: East Bay. I really got into parkour about a couple of months ago and ever since then have been addicted to doing it haha. I realized that after learning all the basic terms and moves of parkour that i have been doing this crazy shit my whole life. I've always enjoyed jumping off shit, doing crazy jumps, and have always seemed to go the shortest route to anywhere possible even if it meant jumping over hella shit ahha. Seems like the only thing i can't do are flips cause i'm too scared to try them out and the kong cause its crazy hard. I would love to have a group to jam with seeing that i'm stuck with another friend of mine, and it would be nice to have others to learn from as well.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Martial Arts - Black Belt
Do you plan on SPAMMING this community?
"no... why?"
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