Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

based on the positive experience of the Relay For Life DEMO we threw together a list of items needed to convey and deliver Parkour's "message".
Feel free to comment, suggest or add...

- Flyer: about parkour - parkour in the Bay Area/SF - commencing parkour training
- Banner/posterboard:, etc...
- short script for an impromptu presentation: "Hi everybody, what you are going to see in a second is called parkour, etc..."
- specific routine, displaying different techniques: vaults, roll, climbs, precisions, rail work, etc...
- basic training for trainers from Kaos
- "call for action: "sign up tonight to see the resources for beginners we offer..." or "do you want me to sign you up now?[w/BlackBerry] You can already rsvp for next Sunday training..."
- most important: a DEMO TEAM: w/specific roles before-during-after the actual demo
- ideally: portable obstacles (but that will require an apposite thread...)

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Ryan, if you send me the file (doc/pdf or whatever you used for the flyer) I can add it to the thread starter.
It may come handy in the future should we need to edit anything...
are we all making fliers and just sending them to u? i like the idea of more scripted stuff like the demos, it makes it more "official" i guess the more organized, the better first impression people will have
yeah, anybody can contibute, but let's not do stuff twice (= NOT efficient... lol)

Check the doc enclosed in the thread starter above "raw materials from PK DEMO Relay For Life thread.doc", and I still haven't seen the final version actually used on site...
Oh cool, it was my flier :)
I made this for the St. Mary's teaching thing. The version that you have is all cut up weirdly, I'll upload the file that I have (it's probably the same content though just organized neater).
Yeah... I have no idea where Ryan got it from...
meatlad sent it to me a day before the event. i changed alot things in the final version but dont have a saved file. the only parts i didnt touch were the "history" and "movements" part.

the community part had to be changed to include baparkour and stuff.
All right: placed the doc to thread starter post as "Lethalbeefparkourhandoutstmchs.doc"
Once those docs are gonna be finalized for BAparkour use, they are going to be renamed as "READYforUSE parkour presentation.doc", a.s.o.
...your last name is kong?

it all makes sense now.
LOL!!! (but true, I guess, from the .doc...)
LOL i thought the same exact thing!
I was born for this sport.
...please see the "READYforUSE" attached flyer created by Chris/Kaos, and added to the list of resources in the thread-starter.


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