While on vacation, i was fortunate enough to jam with the guys and gals of the Philippine Parkour and FreeRunning Association. Raven, the organizer of the jam, invited me to come to Quezon City Circle, a national park for a jam on Monday 23 Feb 09 (an extended weekend for students). He, along with Sam, (who together introduced freerunning to the Philippines), picked me (+2) up at a meeting spot and took us to QC Circle. Everyone was very friendly! We started at about 8:30am when it was probably already in the 80's, only for it to get hotter as the day went on. Jorell led the group in total-body stretching and then we went into a conditioning session. i was invited to lead the group in some conditioning and was excited to see everyone so receptive and welcoming of the new movements i was able to show them; the knowledge sharing was very advantageous.
PHFR kindly made the video below that shows the spots that we visited within the park. they face the same issues that many traceurs worldwide do when jamming in an open space-- getting some pushback in the more urbany, populated, or private areas. nonetheless, the obstacles were well suited for training many levels of parkour, so it was a wonderful variety of spots. we drank a lot of water, and in the middle of the jam we stopped for a refreshing buko (coconut) juice break. after a 4-hour jam in extreme heat and humidity-- conditions i'm not used to but was happy to experience, it was very nice to have had the chance to train with this group of about 20 traceurs in total that day.
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