Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I need to be kidnapped.

There is always some reason I can not get out to Doe Library on Thursday between 6 and 8. There was my sister who was in rehab, and she had meetings that I wanted to go to in order to better support her. And there were other reasons. I remembered my reason for last week... but now I don't. They were all very good reasons. I remember that much.

I was forced to look in my facebook back log, and I see that I was only doing house work, instead of parkour. Now, why did I think I had a good reason?

And I am hard-pressed to find a reason. I mean... I just don't feel like it. I don't really have the inertia for ANYTHING right now. And it is raining out right now, but that hasn't ever stopped me before. And my bike is broken, but that has also never stopped me. And I feel like I am in such a mood that I would go out and stand there, in the cold and wet, and stare at the wet concrete, and feel, just... totally inadequate. My muscles, much like they refuse to lift me off of my butt, to either clean my room or make dinner, they will refuse to propel me over... anything. My brain isn't being of much help either.

Perhaps I will now paint a picture... If I can do that, I will feel like I accomplished something..... The likelihood of my actually doing that is small though.

EDIT: What I should have said was that I had too much inertia, and not enough outside force acting upon me, for me to get anything done. If I was going to be accurate and sensical about it.

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Comment by Mackenzie on February 10, 2009 at 2:00pm
You guys are so awesome. I can come out Sunday. I always appreciate a good ass-kicking.

And why didn't I think more about my physics before making the absurd claim that I was an object without inertia? Silly me!
Comment by SafeNSure on February 10, 2009 at 12:06am
A good kicks in one's ass is an external unbalanced force per definition...
Comment by Kirill on February 9, 2009 at 8:43pm
just make your self go to the sunday beginner sessions!
If you can.

You'll get a addicted.
Comment by orem on February 9, 2009 at 8:37pm
sounds to me like you need a good conditioning session. come out this sunday and i'll kick your ass, it will help both your muscles and your brain, trust me.
Comment by SafeNSure on February 7, 2009 at 9:17am
..."good reasons" are VERY good obstacles.
When -and if- you train (≠ "try") to overcome them, you are training Parkour...

It's always important to understand the nature of the obstacles, though: are they gonna be hard to overcome, stable, treacherous, hiding something else, etc.?

Unfortunately, lack of inertia is hardly a good explanation (Inertia being defined as that property which will make an object remain in its status until some force acts on it...).
Inertia is a universal law, everything and everybody are subjected to it.

What one need is an external unbalanced force, which of course will require some sort of energy.
In this instance a good example could be "motivation", very well propelled by "optimism"...

Energy levels (and correlated emotions) come in cycles, in nature, and we are all subjected to them.
Learning how to make the best of it, during peak periods, and limiting the effect of "frictions" (the "good reasons" you mentioned...) during low energy phases, is the work of a lifetime.

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