RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Brand New
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Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
No, I dont have a car
About Me:
Ready to get into shape and tone it up ^_- also really get into what I'm hoping and kind of know that will be beneficial for me in the years to come. I gotta learn to run, run hard and fast, and efficiently. Besides the Zombocalypse is only but a few moments outta times reach. Now at 21, and almost done with school (A.A. Fine Arts-Drawing) I'm ultra fursuperready to get it together and do what I do.
Other Physical Disciplines:
tecktonic/break dancer, vogue and working out (via gym and walking)
Do you plan on SPAMMING this community?
"no... why?"
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Welcome Veronica!
Here's your starter package...
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