RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Brand New
How did you find us?
Search engine, SFPK link
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
unfortunately not, I do not drive :(
About Me:
hello my name is Melissa but people call me LG.
I love bad ass things and people. In fact, bad ass people inspire me to continue their legacy of bad assetry.
My other interests vary in movies, comic books, cartoons, music, shooting, photography, hiking, climbing, dancing, technology, archery, roller skating, and martial arts.
I like the idea of being proficient in parkour because it's the closest thing to feeling free with your body. Also being able to jump off a ledge and know that you won't break your bones looks fun.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Dance, martial arts, and ultimate sumo wrestling with pillows
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"you BETCHA!"
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