RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Brand New
How did you find us?
Search engine, "I asked the cops..."
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
Right now only have a bicycle ...
About Me:
I just made a life changing decision quitted my suits on corporate job in Michigan and moved to Berkeley to start a new life.I am currently applying to a PHD in UC and hope one day to have the knowledge to help fix handicap people. Always wanted to learn some Parkour but were too workaholic for the past years.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Rugby, Tennis, Kung Fu, Soccer
Do you plan on SPAMMING this community?
"no... why?"
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Welcome Guilherme!
Here's your starter package...
If you want, add us on and on too.