RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
First Year
How did you find us?
Search engine
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
No, not until late August
About Me:
I've always liked parkour and stuff, so far I can do vaults and stuff, nothing crazy yet. I am Mexican Aztec and I like stuff to do with physical and mental fitness, so yeah.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Army future soldier and soccer
Do you plan on SPAMMING this community?
"no... why?"
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Comment Wall (2 comments)
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Join Bay Area Parkour
wanna do parkour one of these days in hayward, im going to train 2morrow if you wanna join.
Welcome Gabriel!
and on
Here's your starter package...
If you want, add us on