BApk trainings provide a healthy atmosphere for new practitioners
to start parkour, and for everyone to
advance in a safe way.
This is achieved in several ways. Because safety is paramount, a
positive example is set by the more experienced practitioners. This
means you will always see
warm ups, stretching, and slow
progression of movement. It also means there will be no showing
off, which leads to copy-cat behavior and subsequently injuries.
Rather, people pass on knowledge humbly in a group effort to
advance. While there may be several different skill levels
represented at these sessions,
everyone keeps a beginner
Another key aspect in this beginner atmosphere is the absence of
media. There are no camera crews or reporters to get in the way or
cause people to feel self-conscious. While individuals may bring
cameras, they should politely ask before filming/shooting anyone
other than themselves.
The perception that
parkour practice is (and should be)
fun, yet being "a discipline, not a game", is set
from the beginning. While the atmosphere is relaxed and can be
playful at times, horseplay is discouraged, and daring, teasing,
mocking, and cliquish behaviors are not tolerated...

A jam session is less structured than a training session, yet there
are still several things to keep in mind. As always, the
of everyone comes first. We expect people to practice in a safe
way. This means no excessive drops or other movements that are
beyond your capabilities. While there may not be a structured warm
up at these sessions, we ask that you keep your own health in mind
and consider warm ups, stretching, and a cool down period.
Jams may be all inclusive or specified to a certain group
designated by age, gender, skill level, etc. Please respect the
parameters set up by the jam starter. While there may be several
different skill levels represented at these sessions, everyone
should keep a beginner mentality. Be open to offering and receiving
advice, and as always
Train Hard, Stay Humble.

These sessions are
simply ad hoc meet-ups of anyone interested
in Parkour, with no guarantee that anybody, (i.e. "
of the
coordinators", or "
with first aid training", etc.), will
be present.
At jams it is indeed possible that no regular member
will be present, or that anybody shows up at all.
To participate to any of the two, pls. review the mandatory reading
Asked Questions about liability"