Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

BAparkour Fundamentals

This is the document around which BAparkour has started taking shape as a community:

Creating an open space for traceuses and traceurs training in the San Francisco Bay Area.
After it became apparent that one only, omni-inclusive, entity representing all different parkour practitioners and their opinions would have not been possible, we came to the conclusion that the explosive growth and development of parkour in the Bay Area will benefit from a new voice representing all the practitioners that want to be represented.
To achieve this goal we suggest keeping in consideration this short list of issues:

BAparkour members will do their best to involve the whole participating community in all decisions involving goals and programs, eventually designating members to form a rotating council (or steering committee), which will share goals, guidelines and a minimal responsibility (for organizing).

The specific goals of BAparkour and its members.
The ultimate goal shouldn’t be achieving personal or community fame at any cost. Involvement in the steering of the scene should be promoted. The goals should always align with the community wellness.
Turning Media/Businesses proposals down would be a possibility, if they conflict with goals.
Clear cut community focused goals and a plan for achieving those goals should be implemented, i.e.:
• Ways and means for spreading parkour
• Position on community, rivalry and competition
• Representing part of the Northern California practitioners out of the Bay Area boundaries
• Starting a dialogue w/school administrations and/or institutions
• “Leave No Trace” initiative
• Volunteering for youth clinics/programs
• Establishment of parkour parks
• Disassemble-able parkour obstacles/course for practice
• Gym classes, open sessions

Agreeing on a defined set of training and jam guidelines.
Safety and avoidance of accidents are paramount.
Both, practitioners health and community perception are too valuable to be risked.
BAparkour members, and governance would have to set a positive and safe example at all times.

Conduct online should be self-moderated.
Belittling others, making inappropriate sexual comments, personal attacks or taking things personally, throwing out unsubstantiated threats of bans or other things, deleting posts unnecessarily or bombarding threads should all be avoided.

Parkour should be meaningfully portrayed in the Media.
There should be specific guidelines for when BAparkour members act representing the community.
The portrayal of the various disciplines surrounding pk has to make them justice.

BAparkour, as an open, non-profit, sportive, open-minded aggregation of people fostering physical and spiritual growth should develop “give-back-kind-off” program or goals.
This would be a small token to be paid for a lot of positive light and good-will in return.

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Latest Activity

Johnson Flava is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
May 9, 2023
Sankar Sundarapandian is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Mar 10, 2023
Peace is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Feb 2, 2023
Avik Jain is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Apr 19, 2022
ANDREA BOZZI is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Mar 16, 2022
Drax is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Jan 15, 2022
María Belén Giraudo Velez is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Oct 13, 2021
Stephanie Ann Foster is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Sep 30, 2021
Leomar Zunguka Walker posted a status
"Summer parkour jam"
Jun 23, 2021
Leomar Zunguka Walker posted a photo
Jun 23, 2021
Bennett Parry is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
May 21, 2021
S Abud is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Feb 20, 2021
rift33 posted a status
"I just wanted to stop in and say hi I'm sure there still is some people on here that will remember me from back in the days."
Dec 16, 2020
Michael Matey commented on Parapsycho's group East Bay Traceurs
Nov 13, 2020
Michael Matey joined Parapsycho's group
Nov 13, 2020
Michael Matey is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Nov 13, 2020



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