Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Looking for a place to train in the Mid Peninsula? Check out this Discussion. Have a look at the map or tell us about a new location that we might have missed.


This is a continuation of the discussion, Mid Bay Spots. Check the link for the original discussion.

I'll try to add any Photos or Descriptions to this area. Please feel free to discuss and suggest new spots, as we're always looking for new places to explore.

Not locked behind a fence, the school offers plenty of outdoor areas that are free to explore through the weekends. When enrolled in Hi-Skool, San Mateo was the spot for my summer school re-educations, so the campus may still be in business through the summer weeks. But for the weekends it's pretty barren, and we haven't run into any security forces. The campus is pretty large with more than a few points of interest. 

We have run into one intolerant security woman, after seeing us practicing wall runs. She didn't want to talk, just wanted us to leave. We haven't had any trouble since but be careful on walls they may think you're trespassing. 

Our old friends railings and tables make themselves present including a ludicrous lengthwise kong across 4 tables. :P It is good for drilling vaults in groups. There are elevated areas who will let you play on them if you promise to practice safe pk. Wallrun and precision work are possible at several spots too.

I checked out Aragon and Baywood Elementary (right next door) yesterday there wasn't much: some rails at Aragon and way too many rails at Baywood, though some weren't very sturdy. I remember when I went to Aragon High School (or Dragon High School according to the vandalized sign) there weren’t many places to sit down to eat. And it’s still the truth! There's one pic-nic table everything else is wide open spaces. As for Baywood, it’s the opposite. Everything is crowded and cramped. Tables packed too close and gratuitous amounts of railings. Some good flow work. Just check your surfaces. Some were less sturdy than others. Also watch your head! Some doorways and ceilings were only about 6 ft tall! There's also a wall that likes to be run on. It has 3 window ledges of varying height that you can grab onto. You can even climb up and down between the ledges.

Yes the Cap Training Grounds! Many of you have heard of this before and you've probably seen videos or pictures of it too. No stranger to the SF Drones, and if they're driving a half hour to get there, it must be a capitol location! Bring your gunny sacks, there's lots of picnic tables. Whatever it is you want to train this school has something for your Parkour Repertoire.

College of San Mateo

Ryan Park
A nice sized park, great for beginners. A good sized wall, some small pop vault walls and some precision practice. Here's what Chris has to say about Ryan Park. "I like to train and condition at Leo J Ryan park in foster city its right on the water and great for training out doors on a sunny day. I would recommend checking out the skate park area and the amphitheater. This area gets a lot of people who are conditioning or running and is very friendly to traceurs."

The one by the bay off of Third Avenue? Yes that one! Some more shore side conditioning worth checking out. There’s a cool modern play structure, an aesthetically pleasing bridge, a massive stair case that just drops into the water, and a hill with a jogging trail and some musical artwork on top of it. A few spots for training, but a lot of good conditioning space.
A good beginning rail spot would be Bayside elementary school there are rails out in front of it. There is a park right next door to the school along with a public pool. And it is located right off of the Kehoe exit.

Once again, please feel free to suggest new spots in the Mid Peninsula and discuss spots that have already been mentioned.

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Found some more spots recently.

First off is Twin Pines Park in Belmont, on Ralston Ave off up the hill from El Camino Real. Location of the Annual Chocolate Festival, this park has lots of trees. Though these aren't your grand dad's trees they're tough as nails, can hold your wait and low to the ground. Needless to say they are great fun to train on. There are plenty of picnic tables and a couple of playgrounds, just watch out for kids and don't scare away the parents. The park is divided by a not so mighty river into 2 picnic areas, a bridge connects them.

Next, is Boothbay Park, on the corner of Edgewater and Boothbay. It's another Foster City spot for all you foster kids! Chris Trained here recently. Here's a short video showing some of what the park has to offer.

There are some other spots along Ralston Ave worth checking out closer: Ralston Middle School, Notre Dame De Namur University, and Carlmont High School on Alameda De Las Pulgas off of Ralston.


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