Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

In the interest of 1. helping people figure out what works for parkour; 2. having another excuse to log on and procrastinate and 3. having an outlet for the tangential discussion which eventually pops up in other postings, let this be the start to discussion of what to wear/not wear when training, what you wear everyday that works for parkour, what you think might work but haven't tried yet, and all other apparel-related concerns, etc. Function, aesthetics or otherwise, go nuts.

Shoe discussion is held elsewhere, let's keep this to other wardrobe.

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i wear these extremely light and durable hiking pants you can buy at REI. They are very versatile and never get caught on anything. also they are great for hot days unlike sweat pants, jeans etc. Shirts just anything that wont hang off your body too much. (catching you shirt on a gate vault over a chain link fence is not fun)
Cargo shorts and cargo pants I think, are fairly good. I can carry stuff, put them in one of the several sealed pockets, and still move around in them decently. They're also flexible, and don't hinder movement. I guess the drawback is that it could catch onto things if you tried hard enough, but I've never had that problem(Yet).
I went down to REI on kingtheking's advice, and let me first say that everything in that store is EXTREMELY expensive. I did find some great convertible hiking cargo pants that are light weight, durable, and feel nonrestrictive on clearance ($40) but most of their pants are $50 - $60.

After my first time practicing last weekend in jean pants, I realized I needed to wear something that would let me move freely.
There are some cheap cargo pants and shorts that you could get in places like Target.

However, they're apparently made for big people. Like, not me. The child sizes are too small for me, and the adult sizes dwarf me. Look online too, there are some good selections there.
There's definitely a lot of expensive stuff at REI, but as long as you go to the clearance racks, you can usually find a decent deal. I can usually find decent pants there for $30-40. Don't bother with the Columbia stuff, though- it's the lowest price because it's the cheapest build.

For better deals on name brand stuff, try Sports Basement- I've been getting regular North Face cotton pants which have good range of motion for <$40. There are also a ton of outlet and surplus shops around (easy for me to say because they are all clustered around GIlman/San Pablo in Berkeley). Other than in very deep bends like during cat balancing on rails, I've found BDU (battle dress uniform) cargo pants to be pretty nice for fit and durability- I think they're normally around $30-35 at military surplus shops.
Yeah, I got mine from Soldier City; they're very comfortable and work well, and only $30 to boot.
Black pants + red sweatshirt = Tadlos Clan Uniform lol
*Gray pants.
Because i said so.
Actually, no!

Black Pants.


Because I (and Mikey and Anton) said so.
ok here are my two cents... i know most people do not have the luxury of money... i only do cuz ive saved up plenty and had a great job... this is what ive now started to wear and feel like unstoppable... please beware that after looking at these items you might wnat to get them... at least i know i did...

Shirt: i like to wear something flexible, fitting and comfortable... however, i stumbled upon a shirt that also keeps your sweat off of you... this shirt is great... i can take a beating and is great for pk...

pants... i normally wear some running pants... there is plenty out there... i havent found the perfect ones but when i do i'll update you... for now any thin running pants will do...

shoes... i know 5.10 is pricy and kinda over rated but these seemed to work great... ive tried almost every 5.10 pk on the market since i noe a lot of people who have them/// i bought some other ones that seemed to look cool... i normally like to match when i go out (i know really wierd) so i bought these and hoped for the best... they are black, white, and grey and are extremley comfortable... i can barley feel a drop from a one story building (BAPK does not promote jumping from great distances (lol thats for you G))... nd they have great traction on walls, cement, and even grass (i use them for flag football every friday, btw G thats y i dont show up on fridays)... they are in the website under shoes and trail running called marvel...

Jacket/Vest/backpack... i dont really like to have my cell phone or a camera while i do pk... so i started to wear a backpack... i believe most of you saw the small backpack from urban freeflow i bought... i was great but i still had a small fear of breaking them during a roll... i like to isten to music while i pk so i had to find a solution... my frined had me look for a jacket from oakley since he had a discount at the store so i went online and stumbled upon a vest that was something out of an action movie and a special forces catalog... it is a tight and loose fitting tactical vest that has many pockets at the chest and stomach region... at first i thought it would take away from the flexibility one needs during rolls... but when i tried it on it was a dream come true... just ask iliketovaultthings... he loved that vest... and btw it has a hydration pack sleeve on the back for those who like to drink some good old h20 while on the run... THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST THING IVE EVER FOUND FOR PK... DESPITE THE PRICE I HAD TO GET MY HANDS ON IT...

anyway thats my share please let me know if any of these items seemed to help... id love the feedback or questions if ya have any...
No shirt for me thanks.


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