Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Aside from all the other subtopics dealing with Parkour. What are some practical uses of parkour? Can you use it everyday? I find for me, parkour is a little like martial arts, where it is highly useful in times of danger. In China when the Japanese invaded many people learned kungfu as a practical way of self defense, I can see parkour as the same. But what are some other uses of parkour? Name as many as you like, from winning a game of tag, to catching a bus, perhaps like Mirror's edge be a messenger in a totalitarianist era, list them out, so people can start applying parkour to their everyday lives.

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Went to pick up my son at school with other parents and the gate was locked so....I went up and over the wall to unlock the gate...I didn't realize someone was coming to open the gate...Now parents are talking about it...Some knew I practice Parkour and others asked me if I was a Marine or something... :) Just hope I don't get a "talking to" by the Principal..
...and you thought you were just Steve. Lol!
lol. oh no principals!
Wow, you put it to use, that's for sure.
haha thats awesome.
lol, i'm pretty sure the principal wouldnt care much. Its kind of saying something when other parents are acting that way when you only hopped a gate lol. Get them down here to do some push ups jeez =P.
good use of parkour is in dreams... i had a sick dream of me doing some crazy pk... lol
I get that all the time. Even when I fall asleep in school (hehe).....I sometimes wake myself up because I dream of doing a vault and I violently twitch in the motion of a kong. Anybody else get that?
Getting up and down the floors of the main building via cat leap, underbar, pole climb, and turn vaults.


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