This is a short preview of a documentary that Kirill and I are making about environmental injustice in West Oakland.
We know that the iMovie titles look REALLY bad, and that the B Roll of water and the factory is very repetitive, but we will fix that in the final project, which we will try to make at least 45 minutes long.
If by "titles look REALLY bad" you mean I didn't even notice and all other aspects of this short documentary are FANTASTIC, then yes, I agree wholeheartedly.
Oh, i forgot to mention that we used to be really bad at filming, but we met with a woman who used to edit video for BBC, and she helped us out. Thanks to Michelle. ;)
So far so great really. You know guys, you might be able to find some people around here with good voices and reading abilities to do some narration for you. That video link is currently broken.