Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Just an idea, I was thinking that we could change the motto of BAPK to "The hard work of steady progression." I think that when people see "slow," they think that it will take a ton of time for the to make any progress. Also, I think our goal is to not necessarily progress slowly, but steadily.

Alright, I know it's not really my business, but just an idea.

Tell me what you think.


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I like the idea of steadiness but at the same time, sometimes progression will take a lot of time and in my opinion the only way to keep muscle memory in tact is to steadily learn and practice everything slowly.

on the other hand, "remember, the tortoise won the race!" : D hah imagine that being a motto
First, it is really your business because BAPK is a participation-driven, consensus-based community.

Second, I think I agree with you. "Slow" is a relative thing and I think we're less concerned with speed than we are with the work. Personally, I like the "Train hard, stay humble." more as a motto, but if we're using the other one, I think the suggestion is a valid one, though maybe even another word would be more accurate. I'm too scattered to come up with others now, but we should think about it.
hmmm... interesting... I can see both points, and I like to comment, even if agreeing that I prefer the "train hard - stay humble" slogan also...

Some time ago, an English "mate' by the name of Blane (aka EscApe Artist), wrote a very inspired article, I believe for, but which was then published on PKNA, titled Dilution; there, after quoting Stephane Vigroux saying: "everybody's moving... but too quickly, too fast, too easy, too much show... too much", he states: "to me, Parkour is a long and worthwhile campaign - not one short, epic battle".
And I would add a lifelong campaign, one that its about the journey, not the destination.

He particularly concludes recommending: "if you care for the future of Parkour then it is your duty to help them to progress sensibly and remind them that they should slow down when you think they are going too fast".

Now, in all truth, he also mentions "steady progress", which is -of course- welcome and desirable.
But I tend to believe that "slow" as opposite of "too fast" is the key...

After all, most disciplines, arts ans sports see phases of plateauing... which interrupt the "steadiness" of the progression...

Hence, I conclude that -as less as an appealing phrase- "slow progression" indicates what we should be after: a progressive growth -steady or not- at a non-rushed pace.

Because the risks of going too fast, too soon (maybe in order to quickly overcome a natural plateau phase, for the purpose of remaining in a "steady" progression...), far exceed a safe and sure, continuous, slow paced progression.
i agree with ya G but with less big words... you do know that some of us are mexican right *cough me cough*... lol... jk...

i like what your saying though. trying to learn things too fast can cause major injuries... just make sure everyone remembers mr toothless bonez... i tried to learn way to quick and look what happend to me...
...naaa! That's not true (is it?)... I think what happened is somebody may have tried to teach you a lesson, and probably he's still regretting it... LOL!
actually that is what happend... i tried to kong a huge cement wall and slipped... it was all my fault... i should have listend to Aero and started small... i have afterward tho...
Actually, I'm in favor of the "Train hard, stay humble." That doesn't set any expectation for improvement, and it cannot be interpreted as "we work hard, but don't make much progress."

I don't think that we aim to progress slowly, I think we aim to progress steadily, but not expect to always see rapid improvement.

Just my thoughts
This is an interesting topic with much thought. I love what Stephane said, I read Chris Blane's article- i thought it was astonishing.... He basically told me what BAPK is about.... ITs strange in a way... but.

So i dont think we should change the title- i would just let it live, thrive, and overcome obstacles slowly :)
wow very nicely written in that article
I really like "Train hard, stay humble" seems like a golden motto
i agree
I like the simplicity of it.


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