Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

The topic came up earlier, and I thought I'd bring it up again. Some key questions would be:

How do we want to portray our community?

What message is the documentary trying to convey?

How and where do we want to distribute it?

Who is willing to contribute and what can they contribute?

These are just a couple questions to kick off the discussion, any other thoughts or questions about the documentary would be very welcome.

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Not too many bails, maybe one.

We don't want them to think right away that parkour is dangerous.
to everyone - ask yourself if someone else has done your idea better before.

I like what Seng wrote. To expand, BAPK has a good story on its own. We are a very diverse (ethnic, age, gender) group, we are very community oriented, we train a lot, we all get along etc....Not to brag, but in many ways we are a model community (of course we have room to grow). I'd like to see all that reflected in the video.

A bail would be fine, we could take the opportunity to show how in some cases bails can be avoided with smarter training.
Very good idea!!!

People will appreciate that we "learn how to fall."
About "has anyone done this before?"
Steve is working on a documentary regarding parkour in general.
What we are looking for is a documentary solely on BApk, its focus, community, and the discipline.

The Yamakasi documentary has fascinated me

I know Chris dislikes their methods, but still...

I would like something similar, but more elaborate...something that portrays us in a Good way, shows OUR methods and shows our story, our community...etc.
Which steve?
One who wanted to Interview you
o, ok
What?!?!?! Yamakasi is great!!!

Of course they roof jump, but as long as they're capable of it, fine with me.
Over the course of several weeks, I asked about 8 people what parkour is. Sadly 6/8 responded that it was learning how to climb walls and flip, and all of them responded that they got this idea from Youtube and other sources. The rest doesn't know what parkour means. Many people don't understand that parkour is a discipline and that we have a very diverse and friendly community.

A video might help... depending on how and what it is striving to accomplish. Many people will still think that parkour is this wild sport endangering ourselves by jumping off a two story building, however. I honestly think that the internet is doing a pretty poor job teaching people what parkour is. So I think that just a face to face conversation on what parkour and BAPK is probably the most effective way of introducing parkour in general and changing the people's stereotypical mindset.
Maybe a link to the martial arts would be good. I find a lot of similarities in the training methods and mindset. Also, the biggest difference is Parkour isn't about fighting in any way. It's about moving. The philosophies of PK and some martial arts are very similar, however. They both teach diligence, hard work, and a strong connection to community, plus the idea of being strong to help instead of hurt.

My favorite video doesn't have any flips or tall buildings in it... some crazy precisions, though. It's the one with Forrest and Dan, by Julie Angel. They are just jumping around this tiny tangle of rails and short walls.
That's one of my favorite videos, too- the one that was the greatest impetus (as far as videos go) for me to begin training parkour.
Hey me too. That was the first video I saw when i remembered parkour and looked it up, and i was mesmerized


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