Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Would it be more efficient to master a few techniques that can get you past a variety of obstacles? Or focus on a variety of techniques? After all, I want to train efficiency. Like in martial arts, people have a few moves they excel at to get the job done. Would it apply to here as well?

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LOL, good answer. I think I see what you mean now.

So then, you'd say that the original question here is moot. It's not a question of technique but rather of instinct and experience, and that neither "quality" nor "quantity" matter.

Am I...missing anything this time around? :0

Also everything we said is true, etc :D
I suppose it depends a bit on your personal training style. What do you what to emphasize in your training? What interests you? If all you want is to be as fast as you can, then I can see wanting to find your strengths and relying on them almost exclusively (e.g. I have a strong ______ , I'll try to use it whenever I can.) On the other hand, some people are much more interested in expanding their options and they often approach obstacles with the intent of doing everything and anything they can with them.

I guess there are some basic techniques that you would want to "master" as a means of forming a foundation for the rest of your training, however you may want to pursue it. And by basic, I do mean BASIC. Things like balance, awareness, and how to bail. As opposed to specific vaults.

And although we often hold the "getting away from danger" scenario as a way to think about parkour, I think pk is a little different from martial arts in that we're trying to navigate an environment, not dominate/escape a scenario. Martial arts are designed for situations where you are in danger. Relying on a few ingrained techniques increases your ability to compensate for things like adrenaline, fear, and pain. In other words, in martial arts you need to deal with the looming possibility of a painful a-- whooping. In parkour, hopefully, your obstacles are never trying to tear your throat out (that scene in that Yamakasi movie with the dobermans, not withstanding.)
As the saying goes, when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Or similarly, it's not important to know the answers as much as it is to know how to go about finding them.

I think of parkour in terms of music- it's important to build up flexibility and understanding by practicing scales, rhythms, chords, etc., but actually playing well requires adaptability beyond the technical movements. Parkour doesn't hold answers, it's a way to develop problem solving capacity in your body.

In light of your own practice, Mizu, it sounds like you're making parkour a part of developing your physical abilities but not making it your primary discipline. I think practicing more than one art makes it even more important to be aware of their differences and what makes them unique; when you are training, pursue each wholly to get the most benefit, then integrate them as your understanding and skills grow.
Food for thoughts:

"Parkour is getting over all the obstacles in your path as you would in an emergency situation. You want to move in such a way, with any movement, that will help you gain the most ground on someone/something as if escaping from someone/something or chasing toward someone/something." (David Belle, as recorded by PKCali)
Wow, why don't my usual questions prompt this many insightful and helpful answers?
I learned a lot from the responses of this single post.
You're ALL true :D

I guess like the saying goes, one mind any weapon.
One body, any obstacle.
Thanks (: This really clears things up.
And I just realized how freakin boring it would be if I only focused on a few movements.


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