Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Recently I've been putting a lot of QM (quadrupedal movement) into my training. It's great for developing quad strength, and can be turned into a group activity too. There are some great games to play, and my friends and I have been doing a lot of them. After experiencing some nasty scrapes on my hands, I'd recommend doing it on grass until you become more confident with your hand placement before moving onto concrete. Some favorites games are:

QM Tag - Self explanatory

QM Freeze Tag - Same as tag, however, when someone is tagged they freeze in place. The objective is for the "it" person to freeze everybody. People who are not it can unfreeze teammates, and the game goes on until everybody is frozen.

QM Capture the Flag - Played in teams; each team tries to steal the other team's flag (or water bottle, whichever). Once on the opponent's side of the field, a player can be tagged, and when tagged, has to QM back to their side. There is a safe area around your own flag in which you cannot enter (so the flag stealer gets a break before sprinting back), and only 1 person can closely guard the flag at once.

QM Duel: My favorite game. 1v1 tag matchups between two traceurs of similar speed and stamina. A time limit is set, and the two tag and counter tag until time runs out.

There are a couple rules in common: No movement except for QM and rolls, a person may stand up to rest only if they stay still in one spot and no tagging someone back immediately after they tag you.

Has anybody else tried some QM games before? How was it, and what other games can you suggest?

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these are great games Fyrel! thanks for bringing them up, i think i'll work the freeze tag into my conditioning sessions. however, i don't like to sacrifice speed for technique. they are fun though but when you really get into it, sometimes people forget about the proper way to do it and their movements fall apart or just get sloppy, nevertheless, the exercises are still good! so as long as people pay attention to what they are doing, games are a very efficient and fun way to get your QM done!
That's what I like about games- they test the limits of our practiced techniques which shows us both what we need to work on and what we create when we're not trying to fit into a single ideal.

When I was cross country ski racing, sometimes we'd play ultimate frisbee in skis (no poles)- we improved our agility, proprioception (having 2m long feet is kinda odd if you're not used to it), and lower body technique while taking a mental break from focusing on skiing everyday.

I think any game you play bipedal can be played QM, including field sports. How about QM dodgeball? Thrower's must hold themselves with three points while throwing.
Someone always manages to obtain some sort of palm injury during these things. It's hard to regulate your technique when you're trying to escape from someone, although I think it should be emphasized before playing one of these games. Perhaps some warm up with hand placement is in order?
I'll add messenger33's sharks and minnows (aka zombie tag) - Starts out with one "shark" trying to tag as many "minnows" as they rush past to a goal line behind the shark. Every tagged minnow becomes a shark the next round.

and orem's fetch - pretty much self explanatory. Just take a cue from your favorite canine companion and have a blast.
Dude, the duel sounds the best. Should try these some time. :)
It's actually a really good "in between" game; y'know, when everybody is sitting around even though they're not completely spent yet. Start a game, and everybody can continue resting until it's their turn to switch out, and it warms everybody up so they start moving again.


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