Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

The topic came up earlier, and I thought I'd bring it up again. Some key questions would be:

How do we want to portray our community?

What message is the documentary trying to convey?

How and where do we want to distribute it?

Who is willing to contribute and what can they contribute?

These are just a couple questions to kick off the discussion, any other thoughts or questions about the documentary would be very welcome.

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Ok, I have an HD camera, so we can definitely use that. I also have some nice editing programs (After Effects,) and a good computer. I know that Kirill has some experience editing, and fyrel has excellent experience in terms of sound, angles, and shooting in general. kaos and Giorgio have some very good insights on parkour philosophy, and Dimitri has a very inspirational story. This should work out very well. I'll start shooting ASAP! And if anyone else has a good camera, let us know!

I think we should aim for a duration of 15 minutes.

As Kirill said, let's follow through with this one, not let it drop.
Haha, I have next to no audio experience. I can do some visual stuff, camera angles, editing and the like. Honestly messenger33 sounds like he has the most experience with all aspects of film, so if he's willing he can give us tips and maybe head the project if he wants.

I don't think we should all wear BAPK shirts during filming; it'd make us seem very exclusive, or like a cult or something. Normal clothes should be fine; there should be enough people wearing BAPK shirts going around anyway.
lol Kirill told me you have experience in audio. >:( Anyway, you can help with the angles and such, and the editing. We'll have to get somebody to be the "voiceover guy" too. I think msg33 will definitely come in handy.
Haha, you make messenger33 sound like some piece of equipment that we can use.

....who's directing?
I don't know who will direct. It'll probably turn out to be a group effort. And Send, you are not just a tool, you are a human being.
I'm such a tool.

I'm glad to give some pointers in any area I can, but I don't know if I can take too large of a role in the making of this thing since I'm working on a number of other projects of my own. I work in motion and still pictures so I feel pretty qualified to help with visual composition, but my audio background is mostly in music recording and what I've picked up asking sound guys on set so I could give basic recording tips but not much advanced technical advice. My editing experience is pretty minimal and I've been loosely building my knowledge of structure and storytelling.
Where and when is the filming going to happen? Who is going to be in the video?
I think we will film whenever there is a jam. I believe that anyone who wants to be in it is allowed to. Any objections to that?
for the mic and stuff. ight be helpful.

I think Alex and I should direct. Chris and Giorgio are pretty lazy.


anyway pretty cool project
I'm totally gonna try and make that when I have the time.
Ok, so I was thinking about audio, and I came across the RODE VideoMic. You can read about it here: It seems to be a very high quality microphone, with a windscreen included, and it is on the market for $149.

I am willing to chip in to get this microphone for the documentary. If we can get enough people to chip in, we wouldn't have to pay too much each. When we're done with it, we could either sell it again on ebay, or save it for future parkour video projects.

So, can I get a count of how many people would be willing to chip in $10-25$ to get this microphone?


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