Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Starting this thread for introductions so they don't get lost in the main group thread.

Even though it's probably already on your individual page, please include location or areas where you normally train, maybe a schedule or whatever else you'd like to add. Hopefully this will make it easier to find people close to you to train since "the east bay" as an area is very spread out and has logistic issues folks in The City don't regularly encounter.

Views: 513

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i live in pleasanton. ive been doin parkour since january i train every other day i started conditioning sessions here in my area teaching people wut i learned from nypk, las vegas pk, and colorado pk. ive been lucky to travel and got to train wit alot of people im teaching the basics and just doin conditioning. soo ive u wana get a great work out and live around dublin pleasanton and livermore area hit me up and will see wut can we do.
My name is Skye. I live in West Oakland, fairly close to Emeryville, and am currently available to train/jam weekdays before 3:00 and all day on weekends.
hey the names josh im only13 and i started parkour less than a month ago im at the far westside of brentwood i train at a park near willy's bagels and blends i can hang just about any time almost so yah
My name is Jacob and i live in Livermore. I train mainly at gymfinity in livermore every wed, but go around to different areas, such as foothill highschool every now and again. I'd love to set up some sessions together with other people around dublin/pleasanton/livermore area.
Other inerests:
Hey, the name is Bryan. Totally new here but I've been meaning to get involved in parkour for years. From the looks of the sight I looks like it will be really easy to be active once I move back to SF next year but for now I live in Pleasanton and I wanna start getting active right now so I'm lookin for any meets especially if they are for beginners. lol... Anyway ya I'm down to try helping to coordinate meetings anyone in the area (Livermore, Hayward, Fremont, Walnut Creek and everything in between).

I'm Andrew and I'm pretty new to parkour, but I've been climbing trees and walls for as long as I can remember. I live in Martinez, but am willing to go as far as Berkeley for training sessions and jams. I'm free most days after 3:30 or so and almost every weekend (both Saturday and Sunday). You can personal message, or even e-mail me ( me if you wanna set up a parkour date. I don't get too much daily exercise so the more parkour I can fit in, the better.

There's a weekly jam at UC-Berkeley on Thursdays starting at 6pm, meets in front of Doe Memorial Library. Since it happens so regularly, it's often not posted but it has been going pretty solid for a few years now. If you can go a couple miles more to Oakland, the Tuesday session at Laney College is becoming pretty steady also- meets at 6:30 across from the BART station.

Hi guys.  I live in pleasanton and I'm in High School at Amador.  I train as much as I can, which is usually every day at school with my friend Chase.  Raul introduced me to this site when I watched him train yesterday.  

really? hahaha i dont remember :P you always at amador?

Yes. Always.  With Chase the Ase Converse.  I was watching you attempt double jumps at Tawny.  Tall Blond dude eating ice cream?

dude, i'm out in Pleasanton too. If you're up for it we should met @ Amador or Foothill, I haven't gotten to train with anyone yet

Hey everyone! 

I live in Hayward and have been doing parkour on and off for a few years now. I'd love to get to know you guys and maybe set something up some time!


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