Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

As I'm sure all of us have considered after a few scrapes, torn calluses and maybe even a session-ending injury to ourselves or a fellow tracer, I'm looking at taking some kind of first aid class. Anyone have recommendations or experience for this kind of basic training? While I do think it would be beneficial, I don't feel the immediate need to take a longer CPR/AED (automated external defribulator- CLEAR!), but that somewhat depends on scheduling.

I'm attaching the Red Cross class schedule for the remainder of the year. Seems like there are a number of basic first aid classes on the weekends and evenings in the near Bay Area (SF/Oakland/Alameda/San Rafael). I haven't called to check on availability, though if the online registration is right, there are lots of openings.

Another discussion thread about training, liability and some specif...

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Good point!
Nevertheless, check this important and necessary thread about Liability at sessions.
Please, if you haven't already, it's a mandatory reading.
...from the top of my head, I would like to learn how could I provide help/support (while waiting for 911, or in case it's impossible to call them, and within the scope of the "good Samaritan law"), in case of:
- dislocated shoulder or jaw
- torn tendon
- broken limb
- fractured skull
- eye or ear puncturing
- suspected spinal injury
- seizure
- concussion with lost conscience
and these sort of serious injury.
I took that aed version for the YMCA. It was pretty weak though I like knowing that I can pull one off the wall in the mall and use it. Yeah the first aid was like press the bandage here and wait for emts to arrive. (still probably best bet with our kinda big falls)
It was the red cross one, still got my card
I'm leaning toward taking the basic first aid class in SF next Monday, 7/27. Even if it's mostly going over what I've learned in other classes, it'll be good to get a refresher and maybe pick their brains about stuff like good ways to tape bandages and what else I should keep in my essentials first aid kit. And, as SnS noted, I feel pretty solid about what to do with normal scrapes and cuts, but not so sure about what I should do while waiting for 911 with an unconscious person bleeding from the head.

I took an intro class for athletic trainers (the sports meds, not the shoes, in case there are any confused Brits reading) and it was really great information, lots of stuff about acute and chronic injuries in all parts of the body, how to test for them, how to rehab them and treat them while continuing activity, all that good stuff. That was a semester-long course, though, not a one-night thing, but I'd strongly recommend such a class for anyone who is at all dedicated to being athletic, especially those who are training pretty much on their own (ie not with a coach or in a school), which is basically all of us.
I just signed up for the 7/27 class in SF. I believe Jeff (aka Meatlad, SFPK) is also going so if anyone wants to join us, go to the link in the OP for registration.
I'm taking someone for earthquakes, but I think it includes first aid. So hopefully I can learn some basics and be of some use when needed.


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