Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I know we all consider ourselves beginner because everyone has something to learn =), but what do you guys/girls think determines a traceurs / traceuses skill. is it how long the can kong, the drops they can take, the amount of vaults they know, their ability to flow...???

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Yes, I agree with Giorgio. There are certain skills that determine how effective one will be while using parkour.

However, let's not go around evaluating other people based on these things. It is good for evaluating yourself, though!
It's fundamental for individual "progression" and general growth...

Avancez Toujour!
I'm not sure if you'd include this under "endurance," but I highly respect a traceur's tenacity - the ability to get it wrong and try again or to, as Ryan would put it, "commit." Someone might have the physical ability, but to also have the awareness to be safe and the boldness to try is a difficult balance to strike. The more I get into parkour, the more I realize how important that mental discipline is. Parkour really does require a mental toughness on top of a physical one.
...yes, very true!
It's covered by #3. Strength (mental and physical), one on top of each other, in a dialectical way.
i see traceurs as on a scale from 0-10, with 0 being an absolute beginner, and 10 being david belle, yamakazis, 3run, and such.

i see the skill level by the moves the traceur can pull off, and how clean the technique is.

i often compare my abilities to member in our community and in the media, and i rate myself as a 3 so far. i feel AndreyP would be a 4, Lethalbeef and AustinGall as also 4. nosole would rank a 6. skynative ranks 7 perhaps lol.

lol i guess i would say im a level3 traceur, wut do you guys think about these rankings are they close?
...I think what Alex said: "let's not go around evaluating other people based on these things. It is good for evaluating yourself, though".
But to each one his own...
A traceur is comprised of many things. Technique is perhaps one of the least important.
Good point! I think that could be a good thread, a discussion about what those other things are.
Taylor wrote a very to-the-point article on this topic for PKCali...
Check it out here.
Great! Highlighted one of the main goals that practitioners look for...

haha all this word playing is making my head spin... soon we'll be calling each other "durable".
I'd saywhen you have to ability to conquer most situations "within three steps". Or on the fly then you can call yourself advanced. There is no upside down requirement. Just the ability to throw your hea when it matters. No stutters kids solid coMmitment
Ryan brings up a very important point. Being able to overcome most situations on the fly is really important. Its the difference between knowing certain movements, and mastering your movement in general... or something like that... (sorry im not very lucid on the topic)


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