Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Inspiration from anything for everyone!!! (warning: videos...)

Every now and then, I find myself a little "short on my dough" and going to the Y-M-C-A doesn't help... (Village People, 1978)
That's when I turn to YouTube for something REALLY inspirational, and usually not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable...

I will post a couple of my favorites, asking you to do the same, if you wish (embed or link), but trying to avoid obvious repetitions, uninspired commercials and predictable vids.
Also, writing a line, a title, or the reason why you deem it inspirational is nice, as well as keeping comments brief and as direct replies to each individual post...
[This will also keep our video section free from non-pk clips...]

I'll start out...

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This is biking at it's most efficient, this beats parkour in the point A to B, in a way the mix of the two.
Trials bikes...

That was my interest for a while
Dear God, please tell me this guy is unique...
...only if you play as an orchestra:

(original music mix of Hip-Hop and Samba here) (of course Italian soccer players would do that!)
The Chinese equivalent of Ancient day Spartans, Shaolin monks can withstand repeated kicks to the groin, and they focus on strengthening all their weak points, from testicles, to temples, to the neck, to the abdomen, all able to withstand blows that would usually render any normal man seriously injured. Their methods of training are far superior to any military that I have seen and unlike the spartan culture, they advocate peace, believing in protecting the weak rather than secluding them. Honorable, just, almost inhuman in a good way.

...almost inconceivable in Western culture!

The only think I can completely relate to is when a monk drops and rolls from just about 8/9 feet (at 4:43).
Even they prefer to preserve knees and ankles with all the other 'abuse' that have their bodies take overtime...
"Cool" is a state of mind...
That. Is. Cool.
When I first saw the Yamakasi on Youtube a couple of years ago, I thought of avant-garde artist Ives Klein and this photo:

The photo is called The Leap Into The Void (Le Saut Dans le Vide). Besides being an artist, Klein was also a 4-Dan Judo practitioner. In both art and Judo he was looking for that Zen-like place, the "void", from which all things are possible.

What will happen you take that leap? Will you'll fall? Will you'll fly? It's all possible. :)
Good concept, as with most people will imagine the fall on the ground. Perhaps traceurs and traceusses imagine the flying :)

He talks about expression and purpose, a great analogy with parkour.


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