Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Director and Filmmaker Michael Alosi put in a lot of time and energy in making this film and met with a multitude of communities & individuals across the globe (meet them all here:

Watch and tell him what you think of his documentary at the links below.

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My opinion of this doc isn't based on what I feel parkour is or who I agree/disagree with, it's what I feel a good documentary is. I mean, seriously, how much time dedicated to shoe shopping? Yes, clearly he put a lot of effort into getting footage and a lot of time into post-production, but I finished the film without any really memorable moments or even any feeling of a central thesis or purpose. If this was meant to be broad survey of parkour, sure it's adequate, but there was a lot of potential to be really engaging that was missed. I think he could have easily cut out a third of the film and had it be just as informative.
Good argument. You must be pretty well informed and up to date with the ongoing parkour trends and issues. People who make these should definitely get way more feedback from traceurs and traceusses before trying to represent parkour.
...I forgot to mention one think about Alosi's interviewing skills: I thought he was very good in getting out the actual personality of everyone... I say that based on my personal experience of Chris, Cliff and Brian, of course, but I had the feeling that the Tempest guy and M2, and most of the others didn't only speak their mind, but did really reveal themselves, genius, flaws and all... quite fascinating... real people.

I really felt I could go for a drink with everyone there... (ehm... some I would probably not offer

Ha! And it made me feel like having a swinging-my-arms-while-talking competition with M2 sometime...
That was a very informative film. Loved it man very good. Hit all the major points and even got the locals in on it! Lots of good info. probably a good film to show people to help explain some what is parkour.


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