Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Just finished my third and final day of parkour with the Vancouver parkour group. As with the SF group, I get completely schooled.

Every session starts with an hour of conditioning. Parkour conditioning is broken down into its fundamentals - running, climbing, jumping, and quads (crawling). Typical workouts start with some group form of stretches, pushups, jump (tucks, or box), a long duck walk (400m), or crawl, and balance training. Then it's off to the different locations.

Their groups have also started to get too large as well (30 or so). One major difference is that they have 0 women. They blame the intensity of the training, on the other hand, it's supposed to prevent injury.

If anyone else heads up north, training is multiple days a week - Sundays @ 5 are free, the academy training is $15.
Their site is, or You can also google West Vancouver Parkour Academy.

Finally, the West Vancouver Parkour Academy is sanctioned by the city of Vancouver - they have full use of parks, and liability isn't an issue for them. Quite cool.

When I'm healed, either Monday or Tuesday, I'll be throwing together a conditioning training at SF State to spread the joy of what I've learned. Any takers?

Views: 41


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Comment by orem on August 11, 2008 at 6:21pm
intensity of training? LOL this sounds exactly like the stuff Cliff and King came back with to train me and the other LA traceurs/traceuses. i can tell you as a female, intensity is not an issue ;)
Comment by technique on August 11, 2008 at 7:17am
I trained with Alex one day, and Rene two days. They're both great, and they both gave me plenty of good tips.
Comment by SafeNSure on August 11, 2008 at 12:28am
...did you meet Rene? ("Res")
C-res-iest traceur out there... even the mighty Mango trained with him!!!

Great guy...
Comment by Seng on August 11, 2008 at 12:09am
I'll be in the city killing some time after work. Give me a shout if you're going out.

BTW, their site is at, not (which is unoccupied- they really should buy it just to be safe and so people don't go stop their search at, home of the Peninsula Korean Baptist Church).

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