Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Just to warn all,A few weeks ago at sloat the cops kicked us out and told us to tell every one else not to pk at sloat any more or they will arrest us cuz they said there were sick of telling us (lol).....But 4 real be careful!!!!!

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isnt the point for every place to be a place for pk? why should we be confined?
...good point!
Even if I believe we're all talking about "at least one safe place for training pk", maybe we should look for a general endorsement of the "practice of pk"...
So, not really "some space to (do) parkour", but really "a Place for Parkour", if you guys get me.
ahh so you mean "a place for PK" like SF as a sanctuary city for us hooligans, got it :)
I mean, it is kind of like climbing trees, right? It is a liability. The trick is to convince the authorities in general that they do not need to idiot proof the world. That it can just be a "live at your own risk" sort of world.
Is there no difference between taking a risk and putting another individual at risk?

The floor of grocery store can be expected to be amply lit with walkways that are safe to walk on (dry, free of debris). Food on its shelves can be expected to be safe to eat, don't you agree?

These same criteria cannot be reasonably applied to doing parkour on an arbitrary obstacle.
i mean it i got a lot of connections. one of the best ones is connected directley to nancy pelosi...
I'll give you 5 bucks straight up if you can get them to debate us using Sloat for parkour in Congress.
If an adult must be accompanied by a child and a child is a person under 18, then is does that mean adults who bring children to play together must bring proof that the child is under 18?

If the child looks like he might be around 18 then by what criteria do the police use to make a judgment?
Somewhere it has been written that the "child" must be "under 12".

Your same question may similarly apply...
OK, so children means 0-11 years of age and Sloat is grades 1-5. Did I get that right?

Either 12year old fifth grader cannot exist (no child left behind) or if he does, then he cannot play on the playground by himself.

Did I get that right?
Sorry I got that all wrong. Since nobody pointed out my stupid mistake, I'll do it myself.

Child: Under 12.
Adult: Over 18.

A 12 year old 5th grader is not an adult and so he may play on the playground.

Although two 17 year olds may play on the playground, an 18 year old may not play on the playground unless he is accompanied by a child.

Still though, the policy doesn't seem that well though out. Like it didn't have all that much insight. And IIUC, it's not a pedophile issue at hand. Anyway, kid who's under 12 wants to come along and that sounds like the right strategy. Lucky kid -- I wish I'd had stuff like this when I was that age.

They are not going want to arrest a whole group of people and quite likely you'll get released on OR and they'll eventually drop the charges. If its a good location and nobody's using the equipment then why not use it for what it's there for?


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