Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

If you happen to go to the YouTube homepage soon, scroll down and you might catch an SFPK video (SFPK - She's So Fly!) under the "Featured Videos." Awesome!

The video features SFPKs NoSole and Austin, as well as BAPKs very own LethalBeef.

This is related to the YouTube Live Event on 11/22.


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wow the airport let u guys run around everywhere?
This was a very good video. Liked Brian's huge frontflip at 1:44

SFPK thread:
I guess Virgin Atlantic accepts gladly to supply their infrastructures to be promoted in "viral videos"...

...also, no offense, but I don't think it's a coincidence that there's a cut between 1:44 and 1:45 (as in this otherwise great freerunning video from Levi, between 1:17 and 1:18... mats and stunt double...). Not that there's anything wrong with it.
Nevertheless, great music choice, storyline and direction...
No stunt double, but there was a mat. Used 3 times, actually - once for the front flip, once for Austin's huge drop off the upper level, and once when Austin plows into me when I stop "unexpectedly." Fortunately, the cuts worked well enough and it's not too noticeable unless you're looking out for that kind of stuff, eh? Traceurs are too smart :P

It's not particularly viral, is it? Except that anything on youtube is inherently viral... Hope this gets parkour in the bay area some good publicity and new members!

"BAPK's own..." :) to the extent that I am SFPK's or PKCali's or APK's or PKNA's "own." I'm a free agent! I'm out of control! You can't tell me what to do!
You're so 007... maybe we'll catch you Friday... =P

As you said, corporations are understanding the power of viral propagation of their image (gaining popularity through Internet sharing -email, IM, blogs, forums...-), doesn't need to be an epidemic, but it's free exposure for them...
We sure should take advantage of them (better we of them, than them of us...).

Traceur should most definitely be looking for special FX, thinking "how the heck did he do THAT?!?", when they see something (dangerous, and potentially repeatable...) done with a little too much ease or confidence... IMO...
Haha.."BAPKs own" just to point out that you are a part of this community (which makes the posting of this video here a little more relevant). We know you can't be held down!


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