Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So far this fall, Thursdays have been the regular day for post-work training/jam sessions, but that was basically picked as most convenient for me over the summer; in the same vein, Cal was picked because it's got lots of terrain but also because it's about six blocks from my house.

Now that there are many new East Bay folks in addition to the number of others back from summer vacation, maybe we should figure out additional or alternative days for regularly schedule sessions. Regardless of whether you're a total newbie or experienced traceur/traceuse, please list which days and times you'd like to see people gather for parkour.

Also list suggestions for locations. There are a bunch of a good spots in Oakland which we have used (Laney College, Lakeview Elementary, etc.) and surely a lot of unexplored territory.

Additionally, we can use this group to announce/gather people for last minute sessions whenever people have the inclination to go out. Post it here and see who joins you.

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I live in Alameda, so anywhere close is great. However, I'm willing to travel more for a better terrain. I'm pretty open time wise atm. Monday's from noon-1pm is the only time that's out for me right now. I'm really down for whatever, it's just easier for me to get to things in the east bay rather than the city.
Times and places that might be absurdly conveinient for me are:
Laney, 3:30 pm for an hour or two on tues or thurs,
Potentially in Alameda on a monday if someone knows of a good place?
Places in Berkeley in not the evening?
Near Cedar st or Hearst st in the early evening (5 to 8ish) on a wednesday?

Just throwing some Ideas out there, to see if I get any bites.

yo, for right now, im looking for people who are down to do some training on the weekdays. rain or shine. i dont know where the good real estate is yet. so if anyone has ideas, wassup?

My days available change frequently, however I'll usually have Wednesday afternoons and Friday afternoons free. After attending the monthly SF PK jam at Laney, I have to say it's a great spot and within walking distance from my work and home. Equally, Lake Merritt is a largely unused resource close to me.

Discussion of starting up another regular weekly session in the near-East Bay has started on SFPK forum:

If you're interested, please add your opinion there and/or continue here as well.


Inaugural session at Laney College tomorrow night (Tues, 8/16) at 6:30pm. See you there.

A regular session is picking up steam on Tuesday nights, 6:30pm, at Laney College. Meet in the administrative courtyard, across from BART parking- your parkourvision, no matter how sharp or dull, won't be able to miss the impressive seating/ramp/play structure. It's been a few weeks of regular attendance and it's looking good for this one to be as regular as the Berkeley Thursday session so even if you don't see it posted in the calendar, it's probably on.


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