Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Inspiration from anything for everyone!!! (warning: videos...)

Every now and then, I find myself a little "short on my dough" and going to the Y-M-C-A doesn't help... (Village People, 1978)
That's when I turn to YouTube for something REALLY inspirational, and usually not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable...

I will post a couple of my favorites, asking you to do the same, if you wish (embed or link), but trying to avoid obvious repetitions, uninspired commercials and predictable vids.
Also, writing a line, a title, or the reason why you deem it inspirational is nice, as well as keeping comments brief and as direct replies to each individual post...
[This will also keep our video section free from non-pk clips...]

I'll start out...

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Ryan is extremely confident with that superman "move", and it does look much cooler on screen than just performing a proper technique for getting down from a height, namely a controlled saut de fond, or lowering yourself down.

One could argue that the flip initiates the rotation, which he carries into the roll, but as NoSole at the UPChallenge and Cane Armitage on YouTube courteously demonstrated, it's very easy to over/under-rotate, miss a proper landing, which can prevent from executing a roll altogether, basically slamming (whipping) the body to the ground.
Not "good"...
That triple kong made my day.
Steve Naish with a meaningful message:

...which, if you didn't know, comes from this same guy:
Loved it:
I laughed until I cried.

Celebrate "Life"...
A classic... thank you.
Always looked like he pushed off his defender to me. Lesson being: calls go your way when you're an idol.
...yes, and that's what competition does to people.
Win at all costs, if you can get away with it:

(Btw. in the same game Maradona scored a second goal, voted "Goal of the Century", in which he dribbled half the length of the field past five English players before scoring. Argentina went on to win the World Cup.)

And let's not even talk about the consequences of rapid fame and celebrity "status"...
The second goal:

And the Hand of God:

But back to MJ: I don't think that any referee would have ever called that body check on Russell... done by anybody... Russell goes right, 'cause MJ had just gotten a drive on the right, instead MJ breaks his ankles faking another drive and instead delivers an 'easy' shot.

MJ won the game with that defensive steal before, and Stockton lost it by not converting his 'easy' three pointer...


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