Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

An otherwise really nice event (the inauguration of the Denver parkour training center APEX) butchered by mainstream TV News...

NBC (wtf?!?)


and a little better, FOX(!):


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We're just "excersising in an untraditional fashion". Works most of the time for me. :D
Same event, better coverage (IMO... and highlighted is mine):

"Unless you've been living under a rock, you've likely heard of parkour -- the art of moving up, over and around obstacles as fluidly and efficiently as possible. In ever more commercials and movies, parkour practitioners are hurling themselves up walls and over chasms. You may have even seen such folks darting around Denver, leaping across Skyline Park and bounding around Red Rocks Amphitheater.

Now, if you're up for it, you can try parkour yourself - at APEX Movement, a Denver-based establishment...

"The space will ... house a team of professional freerunners (those who practice a flashier version of parkour)." >>read more

It's all there, in 6 lines.
I didn't like most of what I just saw!!!
It was surprisingly insulting, and that's not what I want the public to see.


Forget about news crews and anchormen!!!

So far it seems that anything on the news about us ends up in our forums and websites across the web. So why the hell don't we just cut out the pointless middleman. If someone wants to learn about parkour, I want them to learn it from real traceurs. We are all the coverage we need!! Not only that, but we're also by far the best source of info about us (duh).

We don't need some anchorman insulting us in mass media!!!

If it was ever my decision, regardless of the event, I would prefer not to have any news crew covering anything to do with parkour. If I had the opportunity to say anything about parkour on the news, I would tell people to go out and research it themselves, or to find a local jam. I hate to see something so complex as parkour shoved into a matter of seconds. It's something that deserves just as much respect as martial arts in every way.

Just sayin: Don't let the news ridicule us, ideally.


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