Best way in your opinion to do kongs across long distances?
Been at it for a while now. At the point where practicing feels like I'm ramming my head against the wall over and over. So how do you guys do them?
Permalink Reply by Seng on November 2, 2009 at 1:24pm
The longer the kong, the more like QM it is, ie the more your arms are going to behave like your legs in the way they redirect the force of the dive. So practice a lot of QM, practice diving onto your hands and controlling your landings, both the weight on your arms but also the movement of your legs as you rotate them beneath you to land. Try to keep from snapping your legs under you; this is a natural tendency and you see natural qm'ers like cats do it sometimes, but for the sake of building technique, work on building confidence in your arms.
Another important thing which is true for most movements, is to keep an eye and your mind on your path, not on the obstacle. Your body will tend to follow the your head so if you have a mental block at the edge of an obstacle and your eyes focus on it, that's where your body will stop. As your proprioception and strength increases, you won't need to focus as much on where your hands are just like you don't focus as much on where your feet are when you hurdle over something.