Let's talk about David Belle's new film. Not the about story, or about the characters, but about the stuff that really matters - Belle's moves.
The particular one that really stood out to me was (and I'm sure you remember this too if you've seen it) Belle's gigantic leap from Leito's apartment complex to the adjacent building. Even after watching the segment again and again, I couldn't wrap my mind around the move. To try to clarify it for myself I did what any self respecting traceur would do: I drew a diagram.

that is a huuuge leap
Anyways, after I crunched the numbers I realized that this meant Belle had to survive an impact with concrete with a downward momentum of about 50 feet per second. He'd cross a football field at that speed in about 7 seconds.
To be honest, I'm not sure whether to be inspired or afraid.
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