Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Who's interested in helping design and build some boxes and simple precision landing targets? I now have a new jig saw, circular saw and power drill and I'm looking to put them to use.

The boxes would be a variation on existing box designs and of different heights from 18" for box jumps and landings to about 3-4' for vaulting and larger drops.

Precision landing targets are pretty simply made with 2x4's on width or edge or could be different diameter pipes, all fitted to perpendicularly aligned 2x4s to stabilize. (Stealing this idea from Rafe/NWCrossfit. Thanks, Seattle!). At about 18-24" wide, they are good for developing balance when just walking on them but are only a few inches off the ground so much less dangerous than going straight to handrail height.

Any other ideas? Want to test out ideas for Burningman09?

I have a little space for building but not a lot. Could also use sawhorses/patioblocks/appleboxes to help support prep and assembly. I have some space for storage, so volunteering space for a couple days/evenings for building doesn't obligate you to store the final products (though you might want them around for your own training).

I was going to post this to the parkour parks discussion, but thought this thread should focus on being actionable.

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Very interesting. After some cleaning I'll have space to offer in the garage here at my place..
I bought some 2x4s so I'm going to try to slap together some precision landing targets for the weekend. Just wood ones, didn't pick up any pipes yet. Railing simulators (ie plumbing) is more expensive than wood, figure around $20-30 per target after pipe and fittings (wood being basically scraps/remnants).

Actually, what I need is some rubber to affix to the bottoms to prevent sliding- anyone got large scraps of thin rubber sheets? MIght have to dip into the unrepairable bike tubes otherwise.

Question: what do folks think about stenciling a BApk logo on equipment? Probably handy for doing demos, but otherwise excessive or self-indulgent? I already have some spray paint ready for it (white on blue, of course).
2x4's are pretty solid at 18" or so, even more so when placed on end (though twisting forces may become and issue then). I didn't notice any structural problems when jumping on the ones in Seattle and they looked fairly well used.


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