Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

ok i started this over at first because this site was UNDER FREAKING MAITainNENCE! so i cut and pasted from there. NO DRAMA just a good chance to get more people to chris's sessions or to either forum (personally i dont give a flying FFFlllleeewoooooeeeeyyy) but i need help and its on saturday. 949-677-9507 call me up if you want to be a part of it. even just manning a table to talk about what it is and hand out a flyer.


"Relay For Life" Performance/Demo??????
Are You In A Band? A Dance Group? Tumbling? (sunset / parkside)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-04-23, 2:15PM PDT

I find this on craigslist.-----

Any kind of performer? Then we want you!

This Satuday, April 26th is San Francisco Sunset District's Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society's premier fundraising event. We have plenty of openings for performances still open, and while we aren't able to pay you, you will be performing for hundreds of SFSU college students and members of the community with your name in the program--great exposure!!

Please email me if you are interested in helping save lives and advancing your career at the same time!


Sounds like a decent enough cause. I dont know about a demo or anything but we could jam around and teach people probably....Sent an email with my number cause i realized its in two days. Is anybody down to do this with me?
Last edited by AeroSFCity : Today at 01:35 AM. Reason: time

Today, 02:27 AM #2

Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 404

So she responded within a few hours and i got home late so i checked.-

You know what, I'm retarded, I didn't even read the
subject of your email, which clearly states you want
to do a demo at Relay haha...don't mind me!!

As I said before, we would absolutely love to have
you. Please answer a few questions for me if you

(1) Is there a specific time you would like to do a
demo, or would you like us to schedule a time for you?
(2) Is there any special equipment you would need for
your demonstration?
(3) Would you like to set up a table to advertise SF

Hope to hear from you soon!


So yeah it could become anything now. From jsut a cool situation to do some jamming or teach some basic vaults, how to incorporate pk into fitness, just spread at a table after i do a one person demo cause nobody helped.(worst case) lethalbeef? austin? nosole? meatlad? any of the new crews or beginner groups out there? We just need to show that ANYBODY can come do what we do on some level. call me up 949-677-9507=======WE HAVE 1 DAY TO PREPARE

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ok so heres the deal with the timing. The event starts at 10:30 am, table has to be set up and stuff.
They Have a stage for demos, i didnt know this. Should make the demo a little better. OBSTACLES WHAT THE HELL SHOULD WE DO? Our demo time for the stage is at Noon. i figured not many people would want to go on stage, but hopefully we will be running little clinics over by the table all day.
everything is set except the obstacles. any ideas ? anyone got bags of dirt, sand, rice we can stack? how can we do it using humans as obstacles? anybody want to let us use your car (just for the demo, i wont dent it as much as it would probably dent me)? im just really out of ideas. I have some heavy stones (precisions), maybe borrow some stumps from sloat (precisions), and one of those smaller trampolines..... yeah so i dunno. hopefully they will have something we can use. so any ideas?
if my beater car didn't get totaled it'd be perfect for this :( if i was equipped with a car and the ability to collect obstacles i would totally do it, i'm sorry i can't help more. can we bring the table that we're manning on stage and hold it down? ;P
She said she would get us whatever she could. Table yeah probably a few chairs. i could probably double kong over two peoples backs if they bent over. haha. but honestly hopefully we can figure out something. Im bringing the baby-trampoline to be able to atleast teach how to jump land and roll properly.
How did it go?
How many traceurs attended?
With how many people did you guys interact?
How long did it go?

There are tons of misconceptions out there...what can ya do. I think we gave him a good explanation. With your comments, keep in mind that he might visit this site : )
So: Ryan, Chris... with the fresh memory of the event, which would you say were the pieces you needed to convey and deliver "the message"?
I throw there what I understood we would have needed, but feel free to add/re-arrange...

A Flyer: about parkour - parkour in the Bay Area/SF - commencing parkour training
A Banner:, etc...
A short script for an impromptu presentation: "Hi everybody, what you are going to see in a second is called parkour, etc..."
A specific routine, displaying different techniques: vaults, roll, climbs, precisions, rail work, etc...
A "call for action: "sign up tonight to see the resources for beginners we offer..." or "do you want me to sign you up now?[w/BlackBerry] You can already rsvp for next Sunday training..."

Anything else/more/different?
that sounds perfect. Maybe at the next session with chris he can actually give a little lesson on how to actually teach people this stuff. it was tough. with the athletic ones or the ones not scared to fall, it was easy. But some of those girls were impossible.

oh yeah add:
A group of traceurs/supporters to come out and do the damn thing. I know it was short notice/small and pathetic at times (take a look at my redness), but i KNOW for a fact i got two more people to join up. The wushu guy even taught me a few things on the freerunning side (flippy twisty tiger and dragon stuff), so it was worth it ya know?

I pretty much just had a really long practice in front of a bunch of fitness/health minded people who would come over and jam for a bit. I would try to help out on the teaching occaisionally but left that mostly to the professor(even when it was him and about 10 g'looking young ladies).
But me just being there to jam around and talk to some people was still something.

I tossed the posterboard, but still have the flyers. I'll bring them in the scoot scoot when we jam and stuff incase somebody see us (either interested or angry), or you guys want one for some reason (BAP flyer first edition OH YEAH!!!) haha should be able to upload the file (doc/pdf or whatever you used for the flyer) on your top thread post ("edit discussion"/"attach a file").
It may come handy in the future should we need to edit anything...
...this discussion is closed, but continued and expanded here:


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