Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I don't know how many of you have summer vacation free from school or other activities like jobs or something but I was wondering if we could sort of increase the amount of training during the summer or any other ideas cause i got a lot of extra time and GWHS should be all free but there could be a lot more time to explore and stuff.

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I'm definitely down for more outdoor time. If I increase my parkour training though, I will be focusing on things that don't cause too much impact. Will Saturdays and Sundays do? Or were you thinking of during the week?
i think saturdays and sundays will be a good addition for now
haha... my summer break is gonna be from June 14 to 28, when the rest of my family is gonna go out of town for their vacations. =(
During those two weeks I don't plan doing much more than: eating, sleeping, sailing and tracing (ooops... I mean doing!).
ah, yes... working too... (forgot about that...). =)

There's so much pk my body can take, but if it's low impact or high conditioning, it's probably better.
"And For Everything Else There's Aleeve!" LOL!
I am SOOO down for more training over the summer. should have mah permit then too. w00t!!!
Indeed, summer is about to hit: instead of posting all the good offers for joint training in the last minute thread, try to plan at least 36 hours ahead, and pls. create a new event here.

It's going to attract more attention from anybody looking for somebody to train with on any given day...
(if the add a picture request annoys you, just link to your page's avatar image -RightClickOnIt/CopyImageLocation *in firefox, i.e.-)
Yep, I'm free pretty much all summer there.


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