Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I've been in contact with the group that is putting on Sunday Streets in San Francisco and they emailed me today saying that have a spot for us this Sunday, Sept 14th, to table and posslbly do some kind of demo. The event would not be a training session, probably more like the Relay for Life Demo that Aero put together.

Location would be Bayview Opera House and Joe Lee Rec Center and it runs from 9am-1pm. I think this would be more of a demo than a training session or jam, especially since it is right before and overlapping with the usual Sunday time. So what I'm looking for is about 2-4 other people who are down to talk about and teach some parkour. I don't know if it'll be sparse or packed. Also, if anyone happens to have time either tonight or early tomorrow to scout the space and see if there's even obstacles for a demo, that would be really, really helpful. They said we can use their stage, but since we don't have anything really choreographed and have no portable obstacles, I think that would be tough.

Anywho, since it's so late they would like to get a response as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow (Wednesday) am.

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Updated map and info:

I'm going to ask if we can get at least two tables (one for tabling, one for vaulting, maybe arrange them for some kind of series) and if we can get some time in the backlot area, maybe if we can just stay in the back lot area since that seems to be where the physical activity is actually going on.

In any case, I think we've got enough people to represent. Anyone who wants to check out the event, I encourage you to come by. I wouldn't mind seeing how the rest of the event goes- it's from Bayview to Chinatown- so if anyone wants to take over in the later portion, I'd appreciate that.
well, mapjacking the location lends a little remote scouting, hardly hands-on or eyes-on even, but you can pan around and walk the streets. Now THIS would be great, but i don't think it's up anymore.

i'll throw my hat in the ring to help out however i can.
Thanks for that, Jodie, it is actually immensely more helpful than just Google Earth. I'm gonna try to get over there tomorrow morning and do a hands-on scout, but I'd say there are probably enough possibilities to say yes. Well, at least a wall that is probably vault/cat/runnable, have to check out the playground construction and see what we can do. Hopefully there is a longer rail than just the one near the Health Screening area, but the brick wall might also work for quadrapedal movement also.
Just noticed a longer rail in the back of the theater (almost in the shadow) where other sports demos will be. I think this will work. Anyone interested in helping out (or maybe just hanging out), please contact me. I still want to do an actual scout, but I think I can safely tell them we'll be there and be able to find stuff to do.
i will come. Atleast, to attempt to drag some people out to a real session. and
Ha! That would be amazing if we could convince some people to join us on a usual sunday jam afterwards. That being said, maybe we should schedule this sunday's session somewhere close to this place
...good idea, but we don't know the area well enough (it's probably suitable: post industrial, dismissed docks...).
It will require a scouting session...

We'll rather shuttle people around a bit after the demo...
...literature and material available here!
Just got a response from Sunday Streets and we're on. Now we just have to figure out a plan. Here's what I'm thinking right now:

- Should we table to just do a couple demos? Since we don't have a lot of obstacles or and we probably want to talk about the mental side of parkour as much as showing the physical, I think it would be good to table a bit. If people don't want to be there the whole time, we can do shifts (since this was my bright idea, I will be responsible for the early shift). I think if we have a table, even with our sparse literature and lack of signage, that will give people some place to go, but maybe our resources are too sparse there.

- possible obstacles I can see from Mapjack and Google are parts of the brick wall on the southwest side and the handicap ramp rail on the east side of the building. Physically, that might mean not a lot of vaulting, at least for beginners (going from inside to outside on the wall might be a bit of a drop when learning), but we can probably demonstrate pop vaults, cat leaps, quadrapedal movement, tic tacs, underbars, and balance exercises.

- can anyone get over there and check it out? Do some hands-on testing and take some photos? I might not be able to make it over there before the weekend.

- I can take care of printing and copying some flyers, if anyone else has designs for maybe a table poster or something, contact me. My regular email is seng*at*iheartbrainscom.
ref. table poster/sign: this can probably be used...
I'll try to stop tomorrow 6-ish pm...
if you don't make it, i can probably scout around tomorrow (friday) evening


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