Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Basic Training 12/30 (confirmed at GWHS!)

Event Details

Basic Training 12/30 (confirmed at GWHS!)

Time: December 30, 2012 from 12pm to 3:30pm
Location: GWHS
Street: Anza at 30th Ave.
City/Town: SF
Website or Map:
Event Type: basic, parkour, beginners, training, bapk, bay area, san francisco
Organized By: Kirill
Latest Activity: Dec 31, 2012

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Event Description

Session description:
This training provides a healthy atmosphere for new practitioners to start parkour, and for everyone to advance in a safe way. This is achieved in several ways. Because safety is paramount, a positive example is set by the more experienced practitioners. This means you will always see warm ups, stretching, and slow progression of movement. It also means there will be no showing off, which leads to copy-cat behavior and subsequently injuries. Rather, people pass on knowledge humbly in a group effort to advance. While there may be several different skill levels represented at these sessions, everyone keeps a beginner mentality.

Another key aspect in this beginner atmosphere is the absence of media. There are no camera crews or reporters to get in the way or cause people to feel self-conscious. While individuals may bring cameras, they should politely ask before filming/shooting anyone other than themselves.

The perception that parkour practice is (and should be) fun, yet being "a discipline, not a game", is set from the beginning. While the atmosphere is relaxed and can be playful at times, horseplay is discouraged, and teasing, mocking, and cliquish behaviors are not tolerated...

Basic/beginners training provided, but ALL LEVELS present and WELCOME!

Minors and Newcomers pls. check this frequently asked questions about liability. =)

Ha! And it's free, in case you were wondering...

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Comment by Kirill on December 31, 2012 at 12:29pm

Great training!  Doing runs that were lead by each of the traceurs assured that each one of us would get challenged on our weakest points, revealing what we need to work on most.

Comment by Kirill on December 29, 2012 at 8:43pm

Hello traceuses and traceurs. Just to second what was said earlier, cooperation and the best manners are a must. Especially when dealing with school authorities and the police.

The only unpleasant encounter that I've personally had while training at this place with with a patrol officer who spotted me climbing over the large fence at 30th and Anza. That area puts us in plain view. Instead, let's make our way to the field (the meeting point) via the blue path from the red marker (the access point is a concrete barrier with rounded edges, which should be accessible to most) click here for the map below

Comment by Bay Area Parkour on December 29, 2012 at 1:38pm
Yes, let's give GWHS a shot.
BApk oldtimer Kirill will coordinate the training, but -yes- everybody keep a lookout on school authorities (especially getting in and out), and please be super cooperative.

Check the map link for the meeting spot (football field).
Comment by Eugene on December 29, 2012 at 1:33pm
I like Wash too, but if I remember correctly, the athletic director wasn't too fond of us being there in June. But it's winter break for the students, so maybe?
Comment by Kirill on December 27, 2012 at 5:54pm

I will definitely be seeing ya'll at TBC. I've heard it's a grand place.

anyway what about GWHS? Is there still construction going on there? It's proximity to the Ocean Beach Seawall is nice... I haven't been there in ages.

Comment by Danny Andreev on December 27, 2012 at 5:25pm

Alright, I'm free to train this weekend, but I won't be going all out because I have a foot injury. I'd be down to train next to any cal train station down town sf sounds good too

Comment by Bay Area Parkour on December 27, 2012 at 2:49pm
If people that trained before with the group want to meet and train together on this particular Sunday, please go ahead and suggest a location.
There may not be any "structured"/"formal" beginners training on this Sunday, but that doesn't mean that beginners (or anybody really) shouldn't train.

Just pick a spot and let us know. Then show up, warm-up nicely, keep safety as paramount, stay humble, and train as hard as you feel like.
Comment by Seng on December 22, 2012 at 2:01am

TBC= to be confirmed, meaning it whoever commits to showing up and possibly lead the session can choose the spot (which is really always the case, but very few people come forward with suggestions and requests). I'll be out of town this week so see y'all at Berkeley in January.

Comment by Danny Andreev on December 21, 2012 at 11:37pm

were is TBC, i may show up

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