Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I know that everybody has a favorite pair of shoes to PK in. I like the Rbk Ventilators, HillexAllen likes the Freerunners and mikeywr likes the Savants. I was just wondering what is your favorite PK shoe and why? is there some special grip, or some great padding, or cushioning? Maybe this discussion will help someone in the market for PK shoes. So people, please post your favorite shoes. And maybe post a photo of them or a video of them being used.

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but for the next few months, the combat boots are part of your average day, right Konrad? Even in that safe little building?
the free runner sole on my right foot only lasted a 2 months before wearing through. The upper part of the sole (where grey meets red) is coming apart too.

The wear pattern is the same as with my merrells (ball of the big toe on my right) a small quarter size hole. but now the grippyness is gone and you slip. the merrells atleast made it 5 months.

back to left footed everything.
sorry for reviving a thread that's been silent for nearly a month but I was doing some research recently to find out what type of shoes appeared in the soon to be released video game, mirror's edge, a game focused on parkour. It's interesting because the character uses a tight-fit split toe design, kind of like those old ninja shoes. I was browsing to see if they're commercially sold and came upon nothing save for a Puma concept, which may lead some to believe that Puma may be releasing a line of shoes for the purpose of parkour. This, to me, seems possible because Puma's market is especially considerable outside of the US, most notably europe, where as we all know parkour is more popular than in the States, which translates to a larger market for such a new line of specialized shoes.

Here is a picture of the shoes featured in EA's Mirror's Edge:

Here is a link to the Puma concept Shoes:
Mirror's Edge shoe:

Puma concept shoe:

...and while, as a traceur, I remain of the opinion that any shoe HAS to be good enough for parkour, as a marketer myself, I can't deny that these guys did their homework:

...even if, of course, "conceding" to the philosophy, is only another step to make us believe: these are the right shoes!
Yeah, if I ever bought a separate pair of shoes for parkour, I'd so be pimping those. I mean...look at those. The grips on the balls of the feet, the springs for impact, the big toes separate from the little toes--BIG TOES SEPARATE. Those are some cool footwear.
...on a separate, specific thread the comparision Savants VS Freerunners, in case you'd be interested.
Looking for a new pair of shoes Savants are starting to fall apart, and the grip is all nice and smooth now. Can anybody recommend a durable shoe with good traction?
Just a quick update: Five Ten Savants and Freerunners are on sale at Everest Gear at almost half off. The Savants currently stand at $64.95 and the Freerunners at $48.99 with free shipping! Use the coupon code iertoo20 for a further 10% discount. I'm picking up a pair of Savants at $58.45! Good stuff.
*wants* Too bad there's only 2 sizes left.

While we're on the subject though, I went shopping recently for kick-around hiking shoes (I'm not a hardcore hiker, but I was going on a trip) and I have to say hiking "boots" have come a long way from the 10 pound clunkers they used to be. I think you can find something light with good grip and support without breaking the bank if you check the hiking section. Or at least your chances will be better than searching amongst the cross-trainers.
Hey, again, sorry to reopen a thread that's now been dormant for like half a year or more, but still I want the best shoes possible, because my shoes honestly cannot be tightened. I know this thread is for "which shoes are your favorite", but still. Can anyone tell me what THE BEST shoes are? and don't give me that "your bare feet are the best shoes" or "there is no best shoe" answer. I just want a recommendation.
Lol... good luck with that!


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