Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

so lately I've been hearing a lot about this parkour vision and have to admit the longer and more often I practice parkour the more I seem to see every day stuff different ways. Like where I live for example, there are public bathrooms that I have been walking by for the last few years and up until now that's just what they were (public bathrooms). but I've noticed that I now can see two or three good runs with them. and most likely will be able to pick out a few more things that can do with them with time. I even catch myself driving around and looking at places that I have been many times and seeing runs that I never noticed before. which brings me to one of my points I was hoping to build a small course here in the marina where I live. But now it seems easier to find spots to practice in the environment that it would be to build one. I know this might sound silly but that is how it feels. Maybe what I'll do is find a spot that I like and replicate it. If anybody has any ideas on how I could build a good spot let me know.

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ya i can imagine the thing just folding in on itself... it would be cool if we could get it to work though (assuming this one doesn't : /)
...ok: for all the non-believers out there...
Size- and strength- reference:

It looks like it could be a lot of fun, but is it still going to look like that when 20 people are not so graceful on it for a few hours every weekend for a few months or years?
...assuming it'd cost $1,000 (reasonable estimate?), 20 peeps for 2 years would pay $25/year each.
The cost of a single gym class...

We could probably afford to change it after 2 years...
i see that it's strong when u apply constant pressure on it but i mean what if we do something like a run-in underbar? maybe im just paranoid o.O but i would imagine the whole structure to move or shake from one underbar, or many underbars by 2-3 ppl
however, if this was stable.... yeeee lots of fun to practice flow
isn't part of the essence of parkour all about using your surrounding environment?
I don't want to sound like a Luddite or anything of the sort but I'm not exactly a proponent of having parkour turn into a gear-oriented sport. That being said, I don't know if the monkey bar cage of doom I'm looking at is the wisest of investments.
Very good point... and trust me, we are minimalist...

BUT in the last six months there's been ongoing discussions about:
- Parkour "parks", or pk specific "training-grounds"
- modular and/or re-arrengeable training structures (for gyms, warehouses, etc. For the winter/rainy months)
- portable structures for demos/training progressively specific techniques...

This structure may provide some solutions to those issues...
saw this in the Burning man thread. just a comment. I think this would be a great gym training aparatus. there may also be some room to manipulate it from week to week dependant upon construction.

I do understand what Frenchie is saying, but speaking from personal experience fear is a big factor with a lot of moves. Having an area to practice like GWHS or Acro-Sports allows people to get the elements of movement down, which then allows for a greater ability to improvise when the time comes. just my two bits.
...yes, totally agree.
But, moreover this are EXACTLY public construction grade rails and joints...

I believe it can take some serious abuse even outdoor, provided the whole thing is properly latched to the ground.
Rails are pretty amazing (even w/o being Oleg Vorslav's crazy), check out this video
and the value of repeating techniques safely, until they become 'second nature', and you can replicate them "in your sleep" in similar situation, is the basis for all sort of technical training leading to improvisation... it parkour or jazz music ...I don't think we are discovering nothing radically new here.
Aw dang, that is one of my top three favorite pk videos, the one that got me more excited about pk than 007 or B13 and the one I always go back to when I want to remind myself how much further I have to go and how much there is to learn almost anywhere. Awesome.
Wow! Love ti! I would chip in, just a little because I'm just a poor teenager lol
i got 100-200 for it when ever you want to get ready...


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