Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Every so often, at GWHS we practice rolls on the the big sport field, either jumping from a stand on the perimeter rails, or running into it from the field itself.
It's safe and a good basic training...

It is important, though, to think at the roll as something that should become automatic in certain conditions and on (almost) any ground.

Even if you don't drop (as you shouldn't...) from heights, or you don't necessarily feel you need it yet, truth is, you never know when you need a roll, because of an off balance landing, a sudden misstep, a forward bail or else.

That's why we practice: to be ready for emergencies... the need to avoid landing on your face, twisting a wrists falling, or spraining a knee look like an emergency to me!

We didn't invented it, it's always been there... because it works!

Views: 85


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Comment by SafeNSure on January 27, 2009 at 12:27am
...since right before Christmas 2008, the controversy YouTube/WarnerMediaGroup escalated to the point that a lot of videos, have not just been muted (because of the illegal use of soundtracks), but the entire videos have been pulled down.

I recommend leaving them up on our site, because:
1. the controversy might be solved
2. they may put back the video part (which often is what interest us more...)
3. for the value of the commentary
4. for archive purposes (to document the interest in a certain vido topic/category)


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