Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Training Solo vs. Training with a Group -Which is better? How to train solo?

I find training solo to be hard, I often will go out and train alone, but be "tired" within a half hour.What I really need is just a one on one session with an experienced tracuer to start me off with solo training. Or any tracuer for that matter. Does any one else know what I'm talking about when I say, that training alone tires you out faster and makes you less eager? I want to know how solo training should be structured, how my mentality should be, when is it enough? And where? Should I cut off solo training period until I am properly expereinced enough? Give me some input guys, I'm really stumped on this one....

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Comment by Seraph on December 27, 2008 at 11:03am
Honestly, Most of my training has been solo. While I think that training with others is great for your growth and journey, solo training is essential to a traceur's growth, both physically and mentally. I can see where you're coming from when you say that you "get tired faster" when training alone, but really I think that it's more of a focus thing. What I've found to be helpful is to set a goal for myself, such as practicing a movement in sets of ten (or whatever number is appropriate), telling myself that I won't be done with the movement for that day until I can complete a set of ten without mistakes. If I make a mistake, I must finish that set of ten before I can have the chance to try again.
Also, I like how Sebastien puts it. He says that (not a direct quote or anything, simply the idea) when you do a movement with people around you, you wont think about it as much, and the movement may be easy. However when you are alone to do the movement, you actually think about it, and it may be harder. It is that mental difficulty in solo training that must be overcome. The movement may be well within your physical ability, but you must also make sure it is in your mental ability as well.
One thing you might try is to take a friend out with you, with a stipulation that there will be no talking. That way, you will be alone with your thoughts and have no distractions, but you will be encouraged by the sight of another person training, pushing you to continue. I don't know if that will actually work for you, just a thought.
If you'd still like to train one on one with someone, I'd be more than glad to go. Hope this helps!
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