June 22
Conditioning at LCHS. Just as hot as Saturday, and with crappy high school plumbing instead of university plumbing. Trust me, on a day like this, paying a dollar is completely worth a bottle of ice cold vending machine water. And when that was finished, at least I knew which water fountains served cool to lukewarm water and which would be boiling because I used to go to school here. That made me feel helpful :P (Sheesh just remembering this makes me want to get a glass of ice water, brb)
My knee was still kinda sore, but King said light pressure would be good for it, plus he'd keep an eye out for exercises I should stay away from - I'm sure he was used to doing it for Jo (she has bad knees). Taylor started with a game of follow the leader, but he used a lot of cat crawls on the ground. on the cement. in the sun. I was right behind him and followed him half way, but after that I stood up and said I was sorry, but my skin hadn't conditioned yet to burning. King and Nozz (new girl from yesterday) didn't even go that far. I think Tayzon's got a bit of a sadist in him.
John turned up too, and the five of us headed over to run the bleachers. The air was so thick I wanted to throw up at one point, but the feeling passed when we rested and got water soon after. We switched to training under the bleachers then, in the shade. That made it a cool 90 degrees. It'd only been an hour or so of real work, but the oven that was our atmosphere made it feel like we'd been going for so much longer. There were a lot of shouts and grunts when we finished routines. I found it interesting how good and replenishing those releases felt.
Last place we visited was the obstacle course, which was actually the very first place ever I'd tried parkour with a friend. It was funny pointing out the hurdles we'd tried to monkey, and I'd tried to kong. Where I'd sat and complained to my friend that we needed guidance, a teacher, someone to show us how to do things. How determined I was right then to find a coach, a mentor, someone who loved the practice so much that they would take care in passing it on to others.
My wish has been generously granted since that bemoaned December night
Twenty times over =]
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