Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

July 23

Taylor is a dirty liar. Hardly a complaint, just a statement. The newbies we were training with may think otherwise though..

"Not vigorous my butt! I thought today was supposed to be easy."
Taylor shrugged and continued watching us.
"Okay, now when you get over here, sprint to the other stairs and cat crawl down those," he told me before leaving to do so himself. "Right..." I exhaled. I took a minute to catch my breath and watched Roy and Alan doing the backwards cat crawl up the couple flights of stairs below me. Roy may be complaining, but he was tough. He was breathing heavier yet keeping up with us just fine; in a few weeks I figured he'd be completely accustomed. His martial arts background gave him a major advantage in the training.

Taylor had told him this would be a light session though. Good for his second day of parkour. Well, one was right.

The session started out light - focused on running precisions with silent, soft landings. "We're gonna play follow the leader, but nobody talks," Taylor said, changing pace, "Just listen to the sounds you make and the sounds everyone else is making. Focus on stealth." He turned and leapt onto the short wall to cat balance. I was psyched about the game, but it quickly devolved into follow the leader conditioning and teaching Roy and Alan. Brian, Taylor, and I were moving too fast, and we needed to stop and explain how to do things. "In bear crawl you keep your elbows and knees locked like this," I showed them, weaving between a row of poles. "Hang onto the side of the wall, and keep your feet pressed flat against it if you can. If not, there's a little ledge here you can use," Brian instructed for the cat hang traverse. Despite the need to instruct, I still tried to stay as quiet as possible when I remembered to. Often that would mean moving in a much slower pace, taking the time to control the contraction of every muscle and flexion of every joint. 'Stealth comes from power,' I thought to myself, amused by the usual image of intense strength being a bull in a china shop. 'Not necessarily so,' I mused. Intense strength was control.

We ended the session with various ab workouts and a cool down. It had definitely been the most intense LC training yet, and I was glad to see it hadn't scared Roy off. Alan may be another story. He was one of Taylor friends, and Tayzon had made a crack about him being a weight lifter. He was definitely muscular, but that seemed to do nothing for his endurance. 'Short burst muscle,' I diagnosed. With will he could eventually make it work for him once his endurance was built up, but parkour requires individual choice and drive :) Hopefully today had interested him.

I then went off to sleep and heal.

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