To tie things up,... Ill try to summarize.
Our documentary should show, portray, be:
*Educational. It HAS to show the impacts of Parkour onto society, our lives, our habits. It has to express us in a POSITIVE way. We maybe a ble to incorporate community service, clean up activities, respect, integrity and other things into this.
* The Progression, dedication, practice.
* History of Parkour.
* BApk's background. Our history, Our methods of teaching, non-hierarchical student/teacher relationship, progression, translation of ideas into everyday life. Conditioning, our warmup....our training.
*The diversity within our community. We have to pass on the sensation of "brotherhood" we seriously have to pass on our community, and our core values.
* Responsibility for our training, respect, integrity. We have to show our serious approach to things.
* Interviews with people,especially with those to whom Parkour brought the most change.
* !!! Non-competitiveness !!! and discipline. Reference to martial arts...and the whole overcoming obstacles thing...Plus "Parkour is a way of life" --- Life is an obstacle course..... etc
* The "Being strong to be useful" Strong= combatant in soul... Instead of combatant to destroy. Self improvement.... diligence
* Stunts
* Lastly, we have to film this properly and keep the viewer's attention. We should definitely make this at times dynamic, and slow at some. But we DO NOT want to portray Parkour as a daredevil activity.
Giorgio indirectly approved this.... so i guess its good :)