i was wondering what you do to perform a perfect kong any info about the kong will help because i can kinda kong but i cant komg over something past my knees thank you
Things that have helped me is to have someone watch me and tell what I'm literally doing in the air, on the ground, etc. Other than that, getting the right mindset also helped, but the thing that has helped the most is to not think too hard about it.
Sorry to contradict Alex and Mizu, also sorry if I end up sounding like an idiot, but this worked for me, and i had a tough time learning.
DO NOT PRACTICE ON ANYTHING BELOW PICNIC TABLE HEIGHT. I tried learning how to kong like that and it ruined my technique for a long period of time. I'm not sure if it will do the same to you but...
find a bar or ledge that is around picnic table height with either grass or foam on the opposite end. Learn the basic technique by konging up onto something like a table or ledge. Move on to the ledge or rail and try to clear the object. If you clip your feet lean more into it and tuck harder. If your feet turn sideways in mid-air its because ur body is afraid of clipping, practice by konging onto a ledge or table to teach your muscles. Whatever your problem, their is always a solution. Anyone can kong, even a lazy chubby kid with no ab muscles (me lol). If i can do it I guarentee you can, so just practice practice practice! These are the two best tutorials out there IMHO...