Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Hello fellow traceurs !

I'm currently studying Industrial Design and I´m doing my final project about Parkour and the use of earphones/headphones. I would appriciate if you would take a look at a survey which aims to get a broader analysis of people who do parkour and similar activities. 

Link: ... 67171246a3

Thanks in advance to all who choose to participate !

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While we generally do not allow marketers to approach BApk memners directly to discuss products -related or unrelated to parkour- this might count as an exception, because of the following reasons:

- it's opt-in (if members don't care for it, they will not be exposed to it);

- it doesn't advertise any brand or product specifically (actually it empowers members to express even their dislike for the product altogether);

- the survey is for an academic project and it's not generated by any industry affiliate;

- specifically it's a product that many traceur use and might like to see improved.


Thanks for not actively soliciting members to participate to the survey, instead letting them choose to opt-in or not.


These guys have posted on every parkour forum i use.   


APK will probably help him the most as it has the most users and largest base of experience.  and all them damn APK kids always have their earphones in as they bust their 1080 devil drop gainers.


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