Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

For those that weren't present at the GWHS practice today, I shorted a precision onto a rail and banged my face pretty bad. It was amazing how quickly everyone came to my really means a lot to know that we've got each other's backs if something happens. Medical update: The ER doc was able to "superglue" the wound on my face, and I should be all healed up in a couple days.

Some of you may have known that I ran ~5 miles to get to practice this morning. In hindsight, this was probably not the best decision from an injury prevention perspective. Do I know if the run had an effect on my fall? I don't know, but it's a good lesson to be veeeery careful if you are weak or tired.

After conversing with Chris and Giorgio, I think some key questions about emergency preparedness were brought up by today's events. For example:
- What happens if a minor gets hurt?
- Does everyone have insurance? (and a card available)
- Where are the nearest hospitals?
- Who has the first aid kit, and what should be stocked?
- What contact information is critical in case of an emergency? (ie. minors parents)
- Who has EMS skills?

Hopefully some of you have insights into the above questions (and hopefully others). Injury prevention is paramount, but it's good to be prepared as possible. Thanks for the input!

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hope you are alright-\
Thanks dude. I'm doing alright...I can't get my face wet for a few days (due to the glue), but otherwise the docs said that I was really lucky. Do you have a facebook account? I've got a pic of my face posted...
Every practice I go to I bring bandages, Neosporin, and first-aid spray which - while really not much at all - is better than nothing. So far, in my first month of doing training, I've had two falls, both while my leg muscles were tired. Neither of them causing serious injuries (one gave me a scab on my elbow) but a lesson for sure.
O, just remembered. It may be a good thing to know the relative date of your last tetanus vaccine. My arm is going to be sore from the injection for a couple days because I couldn't remember the date in the ER.
That sucks, but I'm glad to hear you're ok.

I've always brought a first aid kit with me to jams, ever since I fell during a kong vault.

Also, I don't have a facebook account, so could you upload the image here?
I just uploaded a shot onto my page. Feel free to check it out....
I usually have some bandaids and wrap with me, but it's not nearly enough for anything beside cuts and scrapes. However, I tend to listen to my body and slow it down as I get more tired and I hardly ever need more than my bandaid kit at the end of the day. I've been very fortunate to escape major injuries, but preparedness starts with learning and knowing your limits, and not pushing yourself too far outside of your own range. And your limitations include how far you can keep going after you're tired.

Glad you're doing okay.
I know you are not a doctor.
Good to know that everything's okay, Andrew. For whatever the reason the accident happened, I think it helps everyone to know their limits when tired. The end of the day is the worst time to try big stuff, because it might in fact be what ends your day.

Not that it's directly relevant to this incident, but I'd also toss in that trying new, big stuff while alone is just plain stupid. This I know from personal experience, and I've realized that you just have to walk away from it, period.

"I could probably make it..." The word "probably" should be enough to make you turn right on around if you're on your own.

Now you KNOW!, and knowing is half the battle. The other half is violence.
Hope you are alright. That looked painful.

Use body armor. (budiamo)
So here is something that just occurred to me....what about consent to medical care? Can a minor consent to medical care? I don't know the legal aspects of this...should we have parents and minors sign a form that gives such consent?
glad to here you are doing ok man.

It might not be a bad idea. Technically speaking first aid is a type of immediate rescue. This means that there is little to no civil liability if you manage to screw up when you were trying to help (so long as you don't stop trying midway through ie: swiming out to help a drowning person then giving up halfway there). Therefore no consent is really needed to administer first aid.

That being said it might not be a bad idea to have something on file somewhere that determines what to do or who to call if the situation is beyond a cut or bruise.


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